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Three months later

"NO INDEX! DON'T EAT IT ALL SPARE SOME FOR EVERYBODY ELSE!" Touma yelled as he tries to keep the hotdogs away from the forever glutton nun. "YOU'VE HAD FIVE ALREADY!"

"FIVE'S NOT ENOUGH I NEED MORE!" Index yells jumping on the boy with mouth wide open preparing to bite him, when a hand grabbed hold of her hair and tossed her away like a rag doll.

Index landed on her head on the sand, and was quick to stand up and yell at Accelerator.

The white haired boy rolled his eyes and glared at the nun. "Ever thought of getting rid of her forever? Like dump her in the dessert or something" Accelerator suggested.

"That's too cruel" Touma sweatdropped. "And besides I've grown accustom to her in my life, a life without Index demanding for my attention and food is too dull"

Accelerator glared at him for that, jealousy evident in his eyes. "Ah--You know I mean it in a sibling type way! I see her as my little sister"

"KUROKO!!!!" an angry yell coming from a seriously pissed off electromaster can be heard from almost a mile away, as the girl chased after her twin tailed best friend, zapping her continuosly. This only made the perverted teleporter moan and laugh in glee and pleasure.

" 'Misaka Misaka wants to play too!' says Misaka as Misaka runs after her big sister"

The two boys watched the girls run around screaming as Mikoto continued to zap Kuroko for groping her breasts, and Last Order laughing happily because...well because she was so happy.

Later on, as the sun was setting, they all set up their fireworks, and launched it into the sky, exploding in various colours.

"hmm, hey Touma, you and Accelerator have gotten very close now" Index wiggled her brows suggestively.

" 'Misaka Misaka has noticed too, ooh is there something going on between you two?' Misaka teases with a knowing grin" the little girl nearly giggled in hysterics.

"Oh! Do you two like each other now? Touma do you like Accelerator?" Index teased.

Touma and Accelerator gave each other knowing looks, the raven haired teen blushed a little. "You two should date now that you like each other!" Index went on.

Mikoto rolled her eyes. "They're already dating, have been for three months now"

"Mikoto!" Touma groaned.

"What?!" Index and Last Order yelled in disbelief. Index looked at Touma accusingly. "and you've kept this from me?! Why Touma?"

"Hang on, our plan to set up you and Accelerator worked? You're dating?" Kuroko couldn't believe it.

"Yea" Accelerator placed an arm around Touma's shoulder. "This idiot's mine now" he gave Mikoto a smug look.

"If it weren't for me he wouldn't be yours in the first place! So instead of giving me that look, you should be thanking me jerk!" The number 3 strongest yelled, sparks coming from her bangs.

"TOUMA HOW DARE YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME FOR THREE MONTHS!" Index yelled and launched herself on Touma, biting his head.

"AHHHH!!!" Touma yelled.

"You bitch get the hell off him! Oi help me!" Accelerator yelled as he tries to yank Index off Touma's head.


Hours later, Touma and Accelerator were sitting on top a rock, looking at the waves. Accelerator's hand on top of his, the esper's walls were down entirely, showing Touma his vulnerability.

"In reality it's Index and Last Order we have to thank for, if they weren't so annoying and nosy, we wouldn't even probably be here like this, holding hands even" Touma brought up, smiling.

"Hm, We'll thank them tomorrow, let's just enjoy this" Accelerator placed his arm behind Touma and pulled him close, locking him in his arms possessively.

Touma just smiled, and leaned against Accelerator.


An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now