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" 'Oh my, now this development was rather quick don't you agree?' Misaka Misaka asks smirking smugly"

"Yes I agree, quick get my phone this is so cute. And perfect blackmail material"


Accelerator has never felt so well rested before. He felt something that was wrapped around him, and oddly the pillow he was hugging felt rather---

Wait. Accelerator's eyes shot open and he realized he was nose to nose with a certain spiky haired idiot. What the fuck happened last night?!!

He looked down and realized Touma's legs and his legs, were entangled with each other, Touma's arm was tightly wrapped around his torso, and the two boys were pressing foreheads.

Red, Accelerator's cheeks turned red, he looked ridiculously like a tomatoe. He felt realy annoyed, but at the same time, felt something else. Something he couldn't decipher.

**20 seconds later

Touma's eyes opened slowly, his blue eyes locked with Accelerator's red ones. For a moment, the two just stared at each other.........and then....

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" Touma screamed and jumped up, tripping over Accelerator's legs and falling backwards, hitting his head against the hard tiled bathroom floor.

Touma groaned, a tear on his eye looking so pained. Accelerator resisted the urge to wipe the single tear away because of how...cute, the idiot looked.

"Well, this was a nice way to wake up in the morning" Touma managed to joke dryly.

Accelerator glared at him before standing up and stretched, causing his shirt to rise up just a little bit. Touma's eyes averted to the ground. "This is stupid, he's a man. Like me, why am I suddenly feeling bashful? This is ridiculous" Touma thought annoyed at himself.

"Get up" Accelerator said, stepping over the tub and roughly grabbing Touma's arm and yanking him up.

"Uhh...good morning?" Touma offers a smile, only to be ignored.

The albino walked pass him and went straight for the door. On the outside, he looked angry, but on the inside, he was panicking shitless. His heart wouldn't stop beating so fast, and he was sweating so much. "What the actualy fuck is wrong with me? I need to get out of here damn it" the albino thought.

**20 seconds later

He was met with the small girls grinning widely at him. Accelerator scowled, his instincts screaming at him to get back in the bathroom and not be anywhere near the two demons.

"Good morning" Index smirks.

" 'Did you sleep well?' Misaka Misaka asks somewhat innocently"

Accelerator frowned. They're calm, too calm........ And---

"Oh no the pancakes!" Index panicked and went back to the kitchen when the smell of something burning reached their noses. Accelerator's frown deepen as he went to the kitchen. Behind him, Touma closed the bathroom door and followed them to the kitchen.

"Wha--Index! Why didn't you wake me up?" Touma exclaimed as he eyed the burnt pancakes with distaste. "I could have cooked for you instead" he said.

"No no, you always cook for me Touma. I decided to repay your hardwork slaving in the kitchen by being the chef for today!" Index smiled oh-so-sickeningly sweetly at him.

Last Order giggles and stood beside Index. The two boys felt suspicous The nun and the clone were behaving, quiet, and.....nice. too nice.

Accelerator eyed Last Order suspiciously. And then, it was then he noticed the brat kept her hands behind her back the whole time. And the bratty nun looked realy---satisfied? Smug? Happy?

He nudged Touma. Touma looked at him questioningly. But caught the albino's supicious look. His eyes travelled to where the albino was looking.

"What the hell did these brats do?" Accelerator thought.

" 'We have something for you' Misaka Misaka proudly declares, feeling excitement swell in her chest" Last Order suddenly said. " 'But first, you have to promise not to chase us' Misaka Misaka added thoughtfuly knowing of her carer's temper"

"I am not liking where this is going" Touma shudders.

Index snatched the thing Last Order was holding behind her back, it was a touch screen phone. Hers, actualy. Touma bought it for her a few weeks ago as a reward for being a good girl(more specificly for not biting him or bossing him or being mean to him for 24 hours)

Index chuckles. "You two seemed realy comfortable huh?" she showed the picture on the screen.

Accelerator and Touma stared at the screen. Their eyes twitched, their faces turning as pink as Komo-sensei's hair.The photo showed them CUDDLING in the tub, with a peaceful look in their sleeping forms.

"Delete that now!" Touma roared, his cheeks pink. Accelerator had his head hanging low, wanting nothing more then to rip off the nun's head and feed it to the dogs.

"Okay!" Index smiled and obediently deleted the picture.

This caused the dark haired boy to be surprised. If Index willingly deleted the photo, but still looked happy, not to mention she did so without thinking twice and was fast about it....

"What else did you do?!" Touma yelled frustratedly. Index and Last Order felt triumph. "Nothing" Index said crossing her fingers behind her back.

"Fuck you" Accelerator growled before grabbing Last Order's hand. "We're leaving AND THAT'S FINALE!" Accelerator yelled the last part when Last Order opened her mouth.

The two boys knew something wasn't right. The picture was good blackmail material and the nun just deletes it without a second thought? Not that they weren't relieved by it but realy something's not right.

"Good bye and I hope to never see you two again" Accelerator growled.

"So, our rematch is---"

"WE'RE STILL GONNA FIGHT KAMIJOU DON'T FUCKING FORGET THAT! I know where your school is so I'll go get you myself! I don't give a shit if we'll fight during school hours or if you're having an exam or some shit! WHEN I SAY WE'LL FIGHT! we will fight. Don't try and get out of it got it dipshit?!" Accelerator raged before slamming the door shut behind them.

Touma stood there, at a loss for words. Even Index was dumbfounded. Maybe they took it too far? The albino seemed realy realy mad, and embarrassed, plus frustrated.

Index was feeling realy regretful for posting the image online.

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now