And In This Case I Say The Shoe Fits

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"CAT! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Cesca yelled, hugging me tightly. I came home from the hospital today, and I could not be happier to be home. With my family.

And Cesca, Red, and Axel.

"Wait, what?" Astrid said. I laughed and hugged her too from my spot on the couch. "What happened?"

"I almost died. No biggie." I said, trying to stifle my giggles. I shouldn't be laughing. I apparently gave Katie and Elle quite a scare, according to them.

"HOW?" Astrid asked.

"Coma." Cesca, Red, Elle, and I said at the exact same time.

"I slipped into a coma while I was in surgery to fix my knee." I said, pointing to my slightly swollen knee that I was just now allowed to walk on. With a brace. Lucky me.

"And?" Astrid asked, concerned and confused. And honestly, I didn't blame her.

"It's my fault." Katie yelled out of the blue.

"No it's not." Jessica and I said at the same time.

"If I had said 'be careful,' this would not have happened." Katie said. I hugged her gently and she kissed my head. "I'm so sorry, Sunshine. I love you." Katie whispered in my ear.

"CAN SOMEONE ANSWER MY QUESTION? How did Cat almost die?" Astrid asked. "And is there a chance it could happen again?"

"First of all, I got put on life support, and apparently the doctor told Elle it was 'best if she said goodbye.' According to Katie, everyone said their last words, except for the handful of people who were sobbing hysterically, then I woke up. And second, no." I said.

"Remind me never to look after Cat again." Katie said.

"No, I like when you hang out with me." I said to Katie, who smiled softly.

"So, Cat's alive and well, except for the massive scar on her knee." Jessica said, pointing to my knee. I giggled a little.

"What happened to her knee in the first place?" Astrid asked. This is the first day in a while she hasn't fangirled over a member of my family when she comes over. Which frankly, I was kind of grateful for. Her massive celebrity crush on my mom was...weird.

"I dislocated it." I said casually. "I tripped over the front steps because I wasn't paying attention and I dislocated it so badly that it needed surgery. Which has left me with a massive fear of anesthesia. Well, I had a fear of anesthesia before, this just made it worse."

"Poor baby Sunshine." Evan said. "I feel so bad."

"Don't be. It was my fault, no one else's." I said, glaring at Katie when I said the last part. Katie backed away like she had just been accused of committing a crime.

"So, what should we do? I kind of want to shift the subject away from Cat almost...dying." Katie said, choking on her words. I almost cried, I didn't want to see Katie cry. I didn't want to see anyone in my family cry, especially over me. It made me feel so bad. Like it was all my fault.

I shook the thought off and said, "Do you guys want to play a game? Maybe Monopoly?"

"Dodgeball!" Alice yelled hopefully. Everyone laughed.

"Yeah, we are not playing dodgeball in my apartment. No way." Elle said.

"We did play Capture the Flag." Barrett clapped back. "And that was slightly chaotic."

"More like very chaotic. I'm surprised no one broke a bone!" I yelled.

"Technically..." Jessica said, motioning to her legs. I chuckled slightly.

"Yeah. No one here needs to relive the crash." I said. I laughed, then noticed Katie in the corner looking really sad.

"Katie?" I whispered. She looked up at me and nodded.

"Sunshine...I still feel bad. I almost killed you." Katie said, tears lining her eyes.

"No, you didn't. My own clumsiness led me into this situation. Stop blaming yourself." I said.

"But the first time I took you to the hospital for a blood test, you had to stay there for a while because of something wrong with your blood. Then you ran away. And now I not a good aunt?" Katie said.

"You're the best aunt I could ever ask for, Katie. I love you so much. And I chose to run away. It wasn't about you or anything you did. And I'm generally a clumsy person. I trip and fall a lot. I kind of expected I would get hurt. I'm surprised that it took 13 years for me to get seriously hurt from my clumsiness!" I said.

Katie hugged me tightly and said, "I love you so, so much Sunshine. I still feel like it's my fault."

"Say that again and I'll eject you to Mars." I said, laughing.

"Well, I kind of want to stay on Earth with you, so okay!" Katie said. Katie hugged me and didn't let me go. And to be honest, I didn't want her to.

"Aww." Elle said, watching us hug.

"If only Cat could still do ballet...Evan, wanna do the honors?" Alice smirked. I started cackling.

"No." Evan said simply. "I don't want to do ballet."

"Do it for me." I ordered.

"Fine. But only since Cat is cute and pure and precious." Evan said.

Evan started spinning around the room. Horribly. I was on Katie's lap and she was keeping a tight grip on me. It felt super good, like nothing could hurt me.

"This is a fun way to come home from the hospital." I said, laughing.

"Anything for you, Sunshine. I love you." Evan said.

"I love you guys too."

AN: I wanted to surprise you guys with some nice harmless fluff. And Astrid's back in the game! Everyone's favorite fangirl. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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