Time For You To Prove You're Not A Loser Anymore

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"Sunshine...wake up..." I heard, and I opened my eyes. Elle smiled at me and said, "You overslept. You're going to be late for school."

That's when I realized. This was the first night since the crash that I didn't sleep in the living room. Elle was right, it was getting better.

I got up and took a shower. After I got out of the shower, I put on one of my many Heathers T-shirts and a pair of jeans and went to the kitchen to get breakfast.

"Hey Cat. What's going on at school today?" Jessica asked me.

"Nothing major. Just running through the concert in Band today. And starting a new project in Civics." I said while eating cereal as fast as I could. "Who's picking me up?"

Elle said, "Evan is. I know we had a routine, but things have been a little weird with everything going on." I nodded, and said, "I know." I just wanted to forget about it.

"Are you almost ready?" Elle asked. I nodded and put on my pink Converse that Jessica gave me and grabbed my backpack. "Bye Jess!" I said, giving her a hug.

"Bye, Cat. I love you." Jessica said.

I got into Elle's car and we started driving to school.

"So...that project in Civics...what's it on?" Elle asked. "Musicals?"

"What do musicals have to do with the Supreme Court and the U.S. Constitution and all of that crap?" I laughed. "But seriously, no."

"Aww, darn. But if you need any help on it, let one of us know, okay Sunshine?" I nodded, and said, "December's going to be a big month for me."

"You have the Nutcracker, Christmas...what else?" Elle said.

"Auditions! I'm auditioning for Matilda the Musical at my school." I said. Elle clapped and said, "Awesome! As who?"

"Matilda." I said sheepishly. Even though I knew I would never get the role.

"Big role." Elle said as she started to pull into the school. I nodded and got out of the car.

"Bye Elle! I love you!" I said as I got out. Elle waved and said, "I love you too, Sunshine!"

I laughed and said, "On to Civics?" Red laughed and we both said "Yay..." in the most sarcastic tone ever and ran off to class.

When we walked into class, Red started screeching and said, "Cat! We're doing a project!"

"I know." I said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Axel said.

"Guys. Check Google Classroom for once in your lives. I'm not your personal messenger. I'm just the responsible nerdy friend." I said, laughing. I sat down at one of the little desk groups with my friends and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Violet Gardner.

"Since when was Violet in this class?" Cesca asked.

"She probably got here on her broomstick like the witch she is." Red said, laughing. I pulled out my Civics notebook and Violet tapped me on the shoulder.

"Take that off." she said. I was confused, and then she said, "That's not your last name."

Then it hit me.

My band sweatshirt had my last name on the back.

"She doesn't have to take it off. It's her sweatshirt. She can do whatever she wants with it." Red snapped.

Violet said, "Teacher! Catherine's sweatshirt makes me uncomfortable." I rubbed my eyes and the teacher said, "I don't see anything wrong with Catlynn's sweatshirt."

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