Life is Pandemonium!

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I had just gotten the cookie dough order forms in, and was about to sell them to my family, all of which were gathered in the living room. Axel, Cesca, Erin, Juno, and Astrid were here too. Instead of selling cookie dough with Red, I was teaming up with Ebony and Vera.

"Here ya go!" Ebony said, tossing a bunch of order forms in Erin's lap like a flower girl and then skipping off.

"Each person here only" I said, taking the extra forms from Erin and passing them around.

Twenty minutes later, everyone had ordered something, and surprisingly, I had sold enough to be eligible to go on the trip. Which was good, I was way too shy to go up to strangers and ask them to buy stuff. 

"Um, Sunshine. I just got an email from your principal about the trip. You might not be able to go." Elle said.

"WHAT?" Evan and Jessica said at the same time. I felt like sobbing, I had done all this work and now I might not be able to go? What did I do wrong?

"Cat, you do know the deadline for signing up to sell cookie dough was...last Monday, right?" Elle asked, looking to me with horror in her eyes.

"But I worked so hard! And that was the day I found out about R-Red!" I said. "And I was still contemplating even going on the trip!" I started going on a rant and my whole family and my friends exchanged looks.

"Okay, Sunshine, calm down. Are you sure you want to go? Even with the phone rule?" Elle said. Jessica smirked and looked away.

"What do I need to know?" I laughed. Ebony smiled and said, "What email did you send this time?"

"Who told Ebony about my complaint emails?" Jessica said, laughing. I awkwardly raised my hand but then stopped laughing. "Seriously, what was the smirk for?"

"So, I emailed the principal about the phone rule." Jessica said. Katie groaned and said, "Of course you did."

"What did he say?" Elle asked, turning towards Jessica.

"He said that rules are rules and they can't make exceptions for one student." Jessica said. She then slammed her computer closed and sighed.

"So I'm not going on the trip, even if I wanted to. I was just too late." I said, about to cry. "No one even informed me there was a deadline."

"Yeah, Cat's right." Vera said. "If there was a deadline for signing up, I didn't know about it."

"That just makes things ten times worse than they already were. Cat, do you think you didn't know about the deadline because you were absent, or because you were a new student?" Elle said.

"Elle does have a point." Ebony said. "Because I knew there was a deadline, how did you not know?" Ebony pointed to Vera, who backed away with her hands up.

"Because I was absent too! I just signed up before Catlynn did! Cut her some slack, she was a new student and she's dealing with a mountain of grief right now!" Vera yelled.

I have never seen Vera and Ebony argue before. Ever.

"So, do you guys want to play Monopoly or something?" I said, changing the subject. Vera and Ebony glared at me and I felt bad. First my best friend in the whole world dies, and the two friends I have left are arguing with each other and now with me?

"Guys, guys, guys, stop." Ebony yelled. "Cat's about to start crying, and we're trying to figure this out so she can go on the trip. Jessica?" Ebony looked at Jess with a smirk.

"Yes?" Jessica asked, also smirking.

"Pull up your email. I have an idea." Ebony said. Jessica did as she was told and Ebony took Jess' computer to another corner of the room and started typing furiously.

"Whatcha typing?" I asked, looking over Ebony's shoulder.

"An email to the principal of our school." Ebony said. "Do you mind if I mention what happened to Red?" I choked up a little, but shook it off and nodded. "Sure." I said.

Ebony kept typing for about ten minutes then said, "Alright, it's finally done. Jess, they're gonna think you sent a 2,000 word email."

"That's short for one of my complaint emails." Jessica said. "But hey, anything for Sunshine."

"How long are your complaint emails?" Vera asked, concerned.

"Usually 5,000 words." Jess said, counting on her fingers. "Or more."

"OR MORE?" Ebony said.

"When someone gets Cat mad, I have a lot of feelings I need to get out, okay?" Jessica snapped. Vera giggled a bit.

"Will the principal respond?" Ebony asked.

"Probably. He usually does." Elle said, sighing.

"Let's hope I can actually go on this trip." I said.

"I hope so too, Sunshine. I hope so too." Elle said.

AN: Sorry for not updating in two days! Behind the Scenes of a complaint email, I see. And Cat may or may not go on the trip, you just have to wait and see! Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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