That Freak's Not Your Friend, I Can Tell In The End

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"Cat!" Red said, running over to me.

"Woah, slow down there, Red. What's up?" I said, heading to Band. I was looking for Red.

"Do you want to come over tonight? My dad just got a new grill and he wants to try it out. I hope you like burgers!" Red said.

I sighed, and said, "I would love to, Red, but I can't. Jessica's coming home from the hospital tonight and Ryan's taking me out after school." Red sadly smiled, and said, "Wait, Jessica was in the hospital again? What happened?" she asked, concerned.

"She just had to have surgery. Nothing major." I said. I just wanted to forget about everything that happened. I walked into the band room and unpacked my saxophone.

"You're acting weird. And I can guess why." Axel said to me from behind us.

"Jessica's in the hospital, she's coming home today. I don't want to talk about it, leave me alone." I said.

"Why is Jessica in the hospital?" Cesca said. I sighed, and Axel whispered, "Cesca! No!"

"You gonna run to the bathroom?" a flute player said. I clutched my band folder in my hand and backed away slowly.

"Don't talk to her like that." Axel said.

"You can't tell me what to do." said the flute player.

"I'm dealing with something hard right now, my aunt's in the hospital..." I said, without mentioning any names.

"Aren't you the girl with the so-called famous family?" I nodded, and she said, "Catherine Reeve."

"It's actually Catlynn. Catlynn McLemore. I got my last name legally changed, I'm adopted." I said.

"No you're not. Your name is Catherine Reeve and it'll always be that way."

I suddenly got that same momentum I had gotten when I lived with my dad. That same burst of energy.


"Aww...gonna call your mommy?" she said, and I ran down to the farthest bathroom. I slammed the stall door and texted the group chat.

I hate flute players. I said.

I sat there, sobbing into my knees for a few seconds, then my phone vibrated.

Are you okay?- Elle
What's wrong, Sunshine?-Ryan
The flute section is out to ruin my life-Me
Probably that Violet girl- Jon
Jon, it wasn't Violet. It was one of her little flute buddies. I don't really want to talk about it- Me
Do you want to do something fun after school?- Ryan
No. Not anymore. I don't even like school anymore- Me
Jessica's coming home today, remember?- Elle
I know. Don't remind me.- Me
Is that why they were making fun of you?- Evan
It was because of my last name, I think.- Me
That's...the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life...- Alice
I know!- Me
Cat, shouldn't you be in class?- Barrett
I don't want to be in class. Not if I can help it.- Me
Do you want to go home?- Elle
No. I missed too much school. Speaking of school, the bell just rang. I'm muting you guys.- Me

I shut off my phone and headed to my next class, which also happened to be the last period of the day. Lucky me.


I was standing outside the front of the school, waiting for Ryan to pick me up. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and I turned around to see Cesca.

"How you holding up?" she asked.

"It's better, thanks for asking. Sorry I overreacted today, though."

"Don't apologize. Are you doing something fun with Ryan today?" I shook my head, and said, "We might be going out for dinner as a family if Jessica's up for it."

"I forgot! Jessica's coming home today!" Cesca said. I nodded, and said, "I'm going home and cleaning out the apartment. Elle's at the hospital right now, I think."

"I'm so glad this is finally over." Cesca said.

"Yeah. Me too. It's been a rollercoaster these past few weeks."

"Wait, didn't you say Ryan broke his arm?" Cesca said.

"Oh? Yeah! His cast came off yesterday. He can drive again." I said happily. I heard a horn honk and I saw Ryan wave at me through the car window. "Gotta go!"

"See ya!" Cesca said.


Ryan kicked open the door of the apartment after I had unlocked it. "Any homework, Sunshine?" he asked.

I nodded, and said, "I just want some time alone."

"I forgot. You had a bad day again." he said. I sadly nodded, about to cry, and Ryan said, "Hey, do you want to talk about it?" I nodded, and I sat on the couch. Ryan hugged me, and said, "Flute players at your school are brutal."

"Yeah." I nodded. "Oh, hey, I got my Band sweatshirt yesterday! Wanna see?" I said. Ryan nodded, and I pulled out the black sweatshirt that was balled up in the corner of my room.

"Here ya go!" Ryan looked at it, and said, "This thing is so cool! Can I borrow it?"

"Ryan. You're like 5 inches taller than me and the thing has my last name on it."

"Well, Elle can borrow it and not look suspicious." he laughed.

"Yeah, it says Hamilton Middle School, and she's a full grown adult."

"Who can pass as a seventeen year old."

"Seventeen year olds don't go to middle school, Ryan."

I heard a knock on the door, and yelled, "Jessica's home!" and went to open it!

"Sunshine!" Elle said upon seeing me. I launched myself in her arms and she said, "You can hug me all you want later. I have to go help Jessica."

Jessica came in on crutches and sat down on the sofa bed. "It feels good to be home." she said, out of breath.

"Jess!" I said.

"How did I not notice Cat and Ryan were here?" she said, giving me a hug. "I missed you." she said.

"I missed you more!"

"Glad to see Sunshine's finally smiling." Ryan said, and I laughed. Elle said, "Sunshine, do your homework. We're going out for dinner soon. Wear something nice."

"What's for dinner?" I asked, slyly.

"Sushi!" Elle and Ryan yelled at the same time.

I screamed and put on a nice shirt and jeans.

AN: The sushi adventures shall continue in the next chapter, or maybe they won't, I don't know, I'm out of ideas and tired. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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