Winner's Destination: Washington, D.C.

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"Last night sleeping in my own room for a week." I said. The D.C. trip was finally here, I would have to get up early to get on the bus. For a six hour drive on a crowded bus with a bunch of chaotic eighth graders. 

"I'm so proud of you." Elle said, coming in my room. "You're growing up. I'm not going to see you until...Wednesday?" 

"Thursday morning." I corrected. "Then in a few weeks is my fourteenth birthday. I'm so excited. My second time celebrating my birthday with my new family. Well, I probably shouldn't say 'new' family anymore, it's been well over a year." Elle laughed and hugged me. To be honest, I knew I was going to get homesick. I knew I was going to get nightmares on this trip. But I've been looking forward to this trip for years, since I was nine years old. 

But I was bunking with Red and Cesca, which made everything a little better. My two best friends. Well, best friend and girlfriend. I smiled, realizing that no one in my family knew I was dating a girl. They didn't know I even liked girls. 

"Get some sleep. You have an early day tomorrow, Sunshine." Elle said. I sighed, not even wanting to go to sleep.

"Mommy?" I asked. Elle turned towards me.

"Can I stay up for a while longer and call the others over? I want to spend my last night at home with my family. Plus, I can sleep on the bus. It's a six hour bus trip, not counting rest stops and bathroom breaks and things like that." I said.

Elle smiled at me and said, "Of course you can, Sunshine. Where did my phone go?" 


"If you don't buy me a souvenir in D.C., I am no longer speaking to you." Evan said through a mouthful of popcorn. 

"Evan, quit. Of course I'll get you something. Granted, it will probably be a pebble, but-" I was cut off by a piece of popcorn hitting me smack-dab in the face. 

"What was that for?"

"You're rude, Sunshine." Evan laughed. I rolled my eyes at my chaotic older brother as the TV was blaring in the background. I'm gonna miss this.

Why was I acting like I was going off to college or something? It's only a few days, was I really going to miss my family that much?

Yes. I was going to miss my family that much. They've never left my side for over a year. And leaving for a few nights was going to be hard, really hard, but I'm 100% positive I'll manage it. 

Well. Not maybe 100% positive. But this trip was something I've been looking forward to since childhood.

"God, it's almost midnight. Sunshine, you need to get off to bed. Go brush your teeth." Elle ordered.

"No." I pouted. Ryan said, "Sunshine. You want to be well-rested so you can have fun tomorrow. Listen to your mom. I'll text you when you get on the bus." 

"But I'm going to miss you guys!" I said, almost about to cry.

"We'll be here when you get home, I promise." Evan said.

I sighed and hugged each one of my family members. Then I headed off to bed.


The next morning, I was sitting on the floor packing up my backpack. A few books, my phone charger, my earbuds, a journal, and my blankie. 

"You're awake. I'm surprised, I thought you would be out cold by now." Elle said. I laughed and said, "I don't want to be late for D.C." I sighed and ran into Elle's arms.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, Mommy..."

"I'm going to miss you too, Sunshine." Elle said. "Now come on. Let's get to your school so we can catch the bus. I don't want you to be late."


I was standing in the school parking lot with Elle, waiting for the bus to get here. Axel was standing next to me, and so were Red and Cesca. I smiled at my friends as the bus pulled up.

"Bye Mommy..." I said, hugging Elle.

"Bye Sunshine. Go have fun, make sure to send me pictures." Elle said. 

I waved to her and went on the bus, Red sitting next to me.

"Hey, Catlynn? Um...there's something I need to talk to you about." Red said. I looked up at my girlfriend, knowing something was off.

"I don't think this relationship is working out. I love you, like, as a best friend, but as nothing more. It's too hard. I'm sorry." Red said. Then she got out of the seat and sat next to Cesca.

"What the heck? Red! Talk to-" I started to say, but Red completely ignored me.

"What happened?" Axel asked.

"Red and I just broke up." I said.

AN: Betcha didn't expect that to happen, huh? I love my evil plot twists. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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