Chapter 28

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Jess's pov

"Oh come on Jem, it's only for the weekend." I threw my hands in the air frustrated as I followed Jem threw the corridor. "Jessica my answer is no and that's final, don't argue and waste your time." James's said in his cold voice as he walked. At least walk a bit slower, my legs can't keep up with you, I said in my mind as I tried to figure out a way to convince him.

"Please Jem, I really want to go." I begged folding my hands together as I followed him down the stairs. He didn't reply and walked inside the dining hall where everyone was already seated. "At least reply." I yelled in anger. "For the last time Jess, the answer is no." He said in a calm and cold voice, taking his seat at the head of the table. I was trying to control my anger and calm by breathing, but I failed miserably.

"What is going on." Sal asked worriedly, looking between both of us. "Why don't you ask our oldest brother that." I spat scowling at Jem, but he, as usually was least effected by it. "I'm not wasting my time over spilled milk." Jem said taking a bite of his food. "Oh so I'm spilled milk to you." I asked eyeing him carefully. "No, but the situation is." He replied bluntly.

"Can someone tell me what's going on." Joy asked. I let out a deep breath to calm myself, after doing this three times my mind which was clouded with anger cleared a bit. "So there is a basketball match, which my team is taking part in and I want to go." I said once I calmed down. "I don't see a problem." Jase said with his mouth full. "Let me complete and don't talk with your mouth full." I snapped at him my anger rising again.

I again did the breathing exercise and cooled down. "The problem is it's an out of state match. It's held in Florida." I said looking at them for their reactions. "She is not going." Enzo said immediately. "What, Enzo I thought you would be on my side." I said looking at him my best puppy eyes.

"I can't take those eyes." Enzo muttered looking away from my eyes. "Amen to that." All my siblings said together, and I was in shock for a second. "Coming back to topic." I said sitting down with a business look.

"I don't see why I can't go." I said. "If you are worriedly about safety, then you should know that I was an assassin, why don't you get that in your heads." I said shaking my head. "It's not that. Of course, your safety is our top priority but there is something else." Sal spoke. "Well what is it." I asked impatiently.

Everyone exchanged looks around the table and talked with their eyes, something which annoys me. "You remember when I went to Laura's grandmother's house." Joy started slowly and I nodded not knowing what she will say next. 

"I didn't go. I was kidnapped." Just like that she dropped the bomb. I gasped taking a sharp breath. "By who." I managed to ask. "Was it the Russians." I asked knowing that the Italian and Russian Mafia had generations of war and hatred.

"No that's what surprised us. It was the Swedish." Jazz said. "Does every country have a Mafia." I muttered and everyone chuckled. "Scold me if you want, but I was in the secret room the other day and I read some books." I said. "What is with you and the room." Jase asked again with his mouth full.

"Jason Caleb Giordano, don't speak with your mouth full." I said glaring at him. "Right sorry." He said after swallowing and gave a cheeky smile. "So from what I read, the Swedish isn't exactly your rivalry, they don't even have a strong army, then why are you so... paranoid." I said taking a sip of my orange juice.

"Well, you haven't read all those books, I'll keep this simple." Jazz said. "The Russian Mafia Princess married into the Swedish Mafia. We don't exactly know the reason, but she was murdered by our Mafia along with her husband and she vowed that her son would take revenge." Jazz completed. "But murdering a woman is against the code." I asked confused.

"Yes that's why all the evidences were erased." Joy answered. "You see usually we know the reason for the attacks, but now it's so confusing. The Russians are planning something, I know that. The Swedish Mafia leader is rotting in the dungeons but he weirdly seems happy about it, something just doesn't fit in." Jem said and for once I saw him confused.

"I don't understand anything." I said. "The feeling is mutual, the Russians have been strangely quiet." Jule spoke for the first time. "Well, this proves my theory, they may have mom captive." I said beaming with newfound hope. "Jess." Jase said placing his palm on mine. "She's gone and she is not coming back." Jase said offering my a sympathy.

"No you all not seeing the dots. I also know her status on papers, I was informed of that. There is a possibility that she is alive. And how will you that I'm wrong if you don't even go see." I said getting up, mom is alive, I just know it.

"Are you suggesting that we go to their warehouses and search for her." Sal said in joking tone. "That's exactly what I'm suggesting. Why are you scared Jem. What is stopping you." I asked turning to my oldest brother who was the king of hiding his emotions, but unusually he had his head lowered.

"Yes, yes I am scared." Jem said getting up and my breath hitched in my throat as I saw his eyes. So much emotions were flooding it. "I'm not scared of going on a war against them, hell, I my hands are aching to do that." He said letting his guard down. "I'm scared I'll loose you all. I'm scared that something will happen to you." He said softly and my eyes softened.

"We have all lost so much. We lost mom, dad, never experienced a normal life, never had a taste of freedom. All we have is each and I can't loose any of you." He said his voice cracking. "Mom is dead Jess, the Russians don't have her. You need to let that sink in." He said his voice still soft, his eyes with pain.

That has sunk in. I wanted to say but the pain in his eyes stopped me from it. Joy got up and hugged Jem tightly, letting tears fall free. Everyone else stood and mirrored Joy's actions, creating a group hug and letting their tears fall.

I just stood there standing, not knowing what to do. All my siblings couldn't numb their pain anymore, so they fail to see the possibilities, the dots which form a clear pattern. Secondly, these people they have had their backs through thick and thin, gone through their dark days together, had each other's back. The least I could do is not to interfere. Do I belong with them?

Jule broke free and slowly made his way to me, crouching down to my level. His face was pale and tear strained. He stoked my hair softly and offered me a small smile. Slowly he pulled me to his chest and rested his head on the top of mine. I relaxed a bit and hugged him back, but the back of my mind was going wild with curiosity.

"I know what you are thinking and Jess, you couldn't be more wrong. You're the light of this house Jess, the glue which sticks us, don't ever think that again." He said cupping my face after he broke the hug. I don't feel any emotions all I feel is numbness, I need answers, desperately. I nodded and left the room without another look. I need to be alone and need to get myself together.

All I know is that mom is alive and I'm going to find her. And that is a fricking promise.

A/N: Hello!!! I know that chapter is smaller that the others but I'll update soon. Anyway how was the chapter, hope you all liked it. 

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Question: Do you think Jess's mother is alive?

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