The Cost

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I leave Tanaka behind, knowing that he is just standing there, not knowing what to think. I sigh.
"So much for keeping that to myself. I hope Tanaka doesn't tell the rest of the team. That could lead to more issues." I sigh again and face palm myself. Tanaka knows and I can't get him to unknow it. 'I wish I could redo the past month, I could try and get Noya to be mine and I want to try again somethings. I want to try and make my family right. Jesus. I don't want to be a fuck up anymore. I am too brutally aware that I am a fuck up. I mean, look at me. I am useless. I saved him, yet he hates me, I failed Natsu, I ruined friendships, I pushed my issues on someone else, I came completely dependent on Yu. I can't take much more. I am so tired. I just want to relax and get away from everyone I know.' I think to myself.
"Are you sure about that Hinata? Do you really want to go back and change somethings?" A familiar voice behind me asks. I spin around and saw a blondie behind me. Yachi.
"Yeah, everything is slipping away from me. Can you show me the future so I know if I really want to go back?"
"Um, we would have to make a contract. A year of you life for the future."
"Deal. I want to know and see." I say with a firm voice.
"Alright, walk into the hospital again. The time here will be frozen while we are in the future. We can't be seen at all so don't worry about having to hide in corners and whatnot."

I am so sorry that this is so short. I am not feeling the greatest at all. No, I don't have Corona. It is a stomach bug or something. I ate my vitamins before I ate so now I laying on my bed, waiting for class.

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