Fluff as requested!

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Aw fuck! This is not the time! I thought groaning to myself. I don't want mom to visit! She can't know that I am gay. It is so obvious! I mean, Yuu now sleeps with me on a more permanent basis. Natsu walked in and saw me laying on the ground crying.
"Brother! What is wrong?" Natsu screamed as she dashed to where I was laying.
"M-Mom is o-on h-her w-way h-here." I started to rip my hair out slowly, feeling each hair being pulled from my head. Natsu ran out of the room searching for something

Noya's POV:

Natsu came running into my room shaking and breathing heavily. I looked up from my phone as she gasped for her words.
"Mom... is... on.. her... way... and... Sho... is... panicking..." She said still gasping. I jumped up from my bed and dashed to my tangerines room. I still can't believe I can't tell him! When I got to the door, I saw Sho, crying on the floor right next to his bed, curled up in a ball, ripping his hair out.
"Shoyo!" I gasped as I slid to him. He noticed me but went back to trying to calm himself down. "Shoyo, look at me. Look at me. I know that this is stressful and it gives you a lot of anxiety, but you need to calm down, you are hyperventilating!" I scooped him up into my arms and cradled him. I rocked back and forth trying to calm him down. "Shhhh, breathe. Breathe. It will be ok. You have and your sister here. I can get Suga to stay here for a bit if you really want him to."
"Please get Suga to stay. Or stay here. Please, either one will work." He said still gasping and crying. (Damn, Hinata has cried more in this series than me in years. It is sad on my part that I don't cry and release emotions) I sat there hugging and cradling the poor boy. After a few I noticed his breathing slowing and he became more relaxed. "Thanks Yuu. I need to get ready though. She is going to be here in an hour." He got up and walked to the closet and pulled out a white button up shirt and black jeans. Then proceeded to pull out a tie and dress shoes. "Please tell everyone to dress nicely for today. I don't want my mom to be breathing down everyones backs because of the way that you are dressed." He said as he takes his shirt off. I blush some and walked towards him. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and hugged him from behind. He turned around and smiled at me. He grabbed my chin with one hand and with the other brought me closer to his body. With the hand that held my chin, he brought my lips to his. When our lips locked it was like a new part of me took over. I deepened the kiss by getting onto my toes and wrapped my arms around Sho to bring him closer to me. He nipped my lower lip to ask for entrance. Who am I to deny a handsome boy? He explored my mouth, taking in each nook and cranny. When we pulled back to gasp for air, I felt warmth come to my cheeks.
"Aw! My little Libero is embarrassed. No need to be like this. You are mind anyways." He whispers in a low seductive voice in my ear. I tremble some, but before we could take it a step further he said that he needed to get ready and had to tell the others about the clothes. He put his clothes, grabbed my hand, and together we walked out of his room.

Our little Sho's POV:

"Mother." I said in a stiff yet firm voice. A women with orange hair walked in, only slightly shorter than Yuu.
"So this, this is the place that you are living. I think Kageyama's place was better. Less people and more privacy." She said with a huff.
"Mother, I don't care for Kageyama, and if you have an issue, get the fuck out. Disrespect these people, my people, all hell will break loose." I said with a snarl.
"Yeah, sure. You! Baldie! Why aren't you dressed nicely! This is an amazing apartment and you should be taking care of yourself and it. Now go change! Shoyo, back me up here!" She screeched.
"Mother, he has a name. It is Tanaka. Last I checked, you only birthed two kids. You can't tell him what to do Mother." I spat at her. She raised her hand and slapped me across the face.
"You disrespectful brat! You listen to me! I am your mother!" She screeched. I saw Natsu come running out and hid behind Yuu.
"Get out. You are not welcome back here. If you are here again, I am taking you to court and putting a restraining order for not just me, but Natsu as well." I seethed. She slapped me again and walked towards Yuu and Natsu.
"Come on hunny, I got big plans for you and me! We are going to go and get our nails done and hair. It will be fun!" She said with a smile. It pissed me off with how much her attitude changed when it comes to Natsu.
"Get the fuck away from her. You heard what Shoyo said! Get out! Asahi! Call the police!" Yuu shouted. She grabbed Natsu by the hand and tried to drag her out. Yuu grabbed Natsu's other arm and I pounced on my mother, pulling her off my sister. Thank god Tanaka was recording all this shit. When she finally released Natsu, the police arrived. Once she was gone I let out a breath of relief. I grabbed Yuu's hand and dragged it to my room, threw him onto the bed, collapsed on him, and fell asleep.

Alrighty! I will be trying to post during my lunch break everyday. I will do my best to finish writing at a decent time!


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