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Noya's POV:

Shoyo shoved me on the bed. I looked at him slightly terrified but he didn't say anything or give a reaction. He flopped on top of me and fell asleep right there. I didn't move, I just let him sleep on me, his head resting on my chest, and his hands holding mine.
"I am yours if you are mine." I whispered quietly into his ear. I am not going anywhere so I am making myself comfortable. I rolled him over and laid him down so he had a pillow, I tucked him in and then proceeded to crawl into bed with him, burying my nose into his chest and resting my head on his arm. We fell asleep, just like that. It was so peaceful.

"Yuu, it is time to get up." A voice said to me. It sounded like an angel, but a familiar one. I slowly opened my eyes so they could adjust to the light.
"Damn, is that an angel? I must have died last night." Hinata was glowing more than usual today. It could have been the light because I just woke up, but he seemed so angelic.
"Yuu, get up or I will make sure that you aren't playing volleyball today." I shot up and looked at him, terrified. "Exactly. Now go get dressed." He said walking towards his closet. I got out of bed and hugged him from behind. My arms wrapped around his abs. Oh my god his abs, so hard and smooth! "Your feeling by abs Yuu." He said with a touch of blush rising to his cheeks.
"Well, how could I not? They are so hard and smooth." I said giggling. He looked at me and it was so sexy. I am turning into a fanboy. Soon I will be like Kageyama's fangirls. He let out a little sadistic giggle. I don't know why, but his eyes looked like they were looking for blood. Or they were looking for something else.
"Yuu~ your now gonna have to deal with something that you unknowingly started." I looked down and there was a tent. Shit, I got him hard. Before I knew it, I was on the bed with him on top of me. "Do you want to do this? You do have a choice." He said quietly. How can I not do this? I have been dreaming about this for a while. I would rather do this when we are dating but, I don't care right now. I shoved my lips onto his, fighting for dominance. I caved in, longing for him. Biting my lower lip, asking to enter. I gladly allowed him to explore my mouth. I need him right now. With one arm he pinned my arms above my head and with the other we has exploring my chest and stomach. He soon found my nipples and twisted them. He got a gasp from me and made me moan into the kiss. He released my hands and took my shirt off, only stopped kissing to get the shirt over my head. Soon his lips were on my neck, sucking and nipping.
"Come on we got... to... go..." Tanaka dashed into the room without knocking. I can tell that he was regretting that right now. "You guys seem busy. I am sorry fir intruding! Go back to what you were doing! I got you guys covered!" Tanaka gave us a smile and a thumbs up and locked the door behind him.

Tanaka's POV and we will get back to those two:

I just walked in on that. I regret it! My best friend is fucking with another, my other best friend. Shit, and I walked in on that. I hope Natsu is at school because won't want to see that. I walked to the kitchen, pale, and grabbed my toast.
"What happened to you?" Asahi asked.
"I just walked in on something that should never be walked in on. Is Natsu at school?"
"Yeah, I think we should go then. I think Suga is going to have Noya's head after today though." I nodded and we left the apartment.

Back in Yuu's POV (poor Tanaka):

"Damnit Tanaka" I groaned, Hinata didn't pay attention to him much and just went back to finding my sweet spot on my neck once he was gone. I let loose mewl.
"There it is." He said in a low seductive voice. He sucked at that spot, leaving a purple hickey on my neck.
"Ah! Fuck! Stop teasing me will ya?" I moaned while he fiddled with my nipples.

I think we know where it goes after this. I am not comfortable writing the rest. This is todays chapter. I don't know if I want to write another one, but I am also working on another book along with this one.

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