The Trade

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After I got out of the shower, Yu, still being covered in flour, went into the bathroom and slammed the door. I walked to my room, got dressed and saw Tanaka laughing his ass off.
"What's with Yu?" Tanaka, still laughing and gasping for air, started laughing harder.
"I dared him to put on a maids uniform with cat ears and a tail. Broooo! It was hilarious! You should have seen how bright red he was! It was truly hilarious!" I blushed at the thought of him in that dress and with cat ears with a tail. Tanaka noticed the blush and started to wiggle his eyebrows. "I see what's happen yeah, your face to face with greatness and its strange!"
"Shut up." I say as I cover my mouth and with the other hand I waved it to show that I am not. He then howled with laughter. I walked quietly off so not to disturb his laughing fit. I smiled slightly, although sadly at the same time. I missed out on something I would love to see.
"SHOYO!!!" I dashed towards the bathroom and opened the door, Asahi covering Yu's mouth while holding him back from the door. Yu was struggling as hard as he could to get away.
"Let him go." I say in a firm voice.
"How about no. I know that he means everything to you, so this is the best torture I can get."
"Let me take his place. Please, let me take his place."
"Hmmm, fine, but you are to listen to every single word I say or he will go back to this situation. Am I clear?" I nod as he shoves Yu at me.
"You should not have done that, you should have let me have taken it all." I whisper something that only he can hear into his ear.
"I can find a way to get around it. I can handle it, I have dealt with it and I am making this choice. I will be okay, I promise that you will still see me. Maybe not in the best way but I will make sure that you are safe. Your safety comes first, then Natsu and everyone else, then me." I say. Asahi walked over and grabbed my collar and dragged me to his room.
"Put the damn dress on, like I told Noya, you are to call me Master."
"Asa-Master, why did you let Yu go and take me instead?" I ask as I started to strip into the horrible pink cat dress.
"You were what I was really after. I was hoping that you would find out what I was doing to him so you would take his place. See, it worked out very well." He said with a smug smile. Once the dress was on, I became very conscious about the way I looked. I looked like a fucking manwhore.
"Wow, really? I look like a..."
"Don't you dare finish that sentence, you look beautiful my sweet." I cringed internally at this. I do not want to be called 'my sweet.' I am far from sweet when you piss me off like how he is now.
"Thank you Master." I pasted on a sickeningly sweet grin as I plot his death.
"Ah, already taking the role seriously. You must be very desperate to make sure that he doesn't go back into that position. Better get used to this. It could get worse in the matter of seconds." He then slapped me across the cheek and smile a creepy smile, his eyes full of lust. Fuck no, not while he is here. When this is done, I want to apologize to him.
"Master, I am not comfortable with sex." I say in a quiet voice.
"Let's see, do I care? No." He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a lustful kiss. I want to squirm, but I know that he would hurt Yu if I do. I don't kiss back though. "Kiss back kitten." He said in a low, sad attempt of a sexy voice. I shivered at the thought and hesitantly kissed back. "Thanks, now go get dressed slut. I am allowing you to be friends with Yu, nothing more. Am I clear?"
"Yes Master." I say in a quiet voice.
"One more thing, do not call me Master around everyone or anyone. Am I clear?"
"Yes Master." With my head down in shame, I got dressed. He watched every move I made and then left. I walked to my room and saw Yu there. I hid my pain and just hugged him. "Thank god that you are okay."
"What dress did he put you in?"
"Pink cat dress."
"That is bad, the pink one is for his favorites. I only got yellow, which was still one of his favorites. From favorite to least favorite, this is the order; pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white. Because you have the pink, that means the likely hood of your freedom is low." A tiny, hot tear trickled down his cheek, I wiped it away with my index finger and cradled his cheek. I pulled his head closer to my chest and held him, cradled him, rocked him until he was fast asleep.

I am so sorry it has been so long since I last posted. I have been working the Naruto ANBU for quite some time and I wanted to get something out that had some quality content. I can't say that the next chapter will be clean. This chapter wasn't clean, but I mean, *cough, cough* type shit. Thank you for your patience!

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