His Past (pt2)

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Mama! Hurry! I can hear the noises stopping!


I am walking in the door now

"Hello dear, how is the slut?" She said as I scurried down the stairs.
"Honey, it isn't what it looks like!" Father shouts.
"Oh really? How will I explain this to my child and the unborn one? Hm? Tell me that? I want a fucking divorce!" She shouts.
"Mama, I think I should tell you this because you are now divorcing. It might be better if I show instead." I walked into the bathroom and dampened a washcloth. I walked out there and started to remove the make-up. She stood there horrified at all the bruises and cuts I have. "He did this Mama, and what he was doing with that lady. Except I bled and was locked in a room for three days." I said softly. Tears started to form at my and her eyes.
"You bastard! You raped your own child and then said that he was at a friends for a few days? What the fuck is wrong with you! Get the fuck out of my house right now!" She screeches. Father dashed out of the house, naked and all. Mama walked over to me and hugged me, crying tears. "Why didn't you tell me? I thought you were safe here." She cried. I hugged her back and explained that if I did, I would have the worst beating and not be able to walk for weeks. "When did he rape you?" She asked through sniffles.
"I was five. My teacher found out I am abused because she was going to call him and tell him that I missed a few days of school not knowing that I wasn't at school because of him." I explained. Together, we cried our tears of pain. The next day, Mother went to an office to get divorce papers and set the day of court to a month in the future. Mama had to share me while we waited for the court date. One night while I was with my Father, he both raped me until I couldn't walk for a week and a half, then beat me until I was a bloody mess. When Mama came to pick me up, she found me on the floor, bleeding everywhere, barely conscious.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"My child was raped and beaten by his father!"

"Ma'am, what is the address you are currently at?"

"******* Axton"

"Ma'am, please go and hide. If he finds that you are there, he will do the same thing to you."

"What about Shoyo?!"

"Ma'am, it isn't safe. Does Shoyo have any allergies?"


"Ma'am what is his full name?"

"Hinata Shoyo."

"Ma'am the police and an ambulance is on the way. I need you to stay on the line until they get there."

"What are you doing here? Get the fuck out you whore!"

"Get the fuck away from him!"

Mama accidentally hung up on the lady on the other-side of the line. By now a whole fight erupted. Mama was bloody and Father took me with him to his friends place.

Back with Sho and his father in present time:

"Get the fuck away. You are not aloud near me." I seethed.
"People don't know that do they?" He said to me. "What are you going to call for someone? Like your mother?"
"Heh, she abandoned me like how you did. There has only been a few people who haven't abandoned me or beaten me in anyway. Now, Father, I have a place to be."
"You are not going anywhere!" he lunged at me and bear-hugged me from behind. "Now, we are going back home. If they say anything, tell them you met up with a friend or something. Now, we are going!" No, I refuse to go back. I don't want to go back into that room.

Yuu's POV:

Where is he? He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago! I walk back to gym when I hear screaming.
"HELP! HELP ME! ANYONE! PLEASE!" Shoyo. I ran to the voice to see my Shoyo fighting against a man with all hist strength. I called 911 and told them to get to the gym and hung up to help him. I punched him in the face causing him to let Shoyo go and reel back. Shoyo ran towards me and stood next to me.
"I can take you both on and get away from the police." He said getting into a fighting stance. After a few punches thrown, the police came. Shoyo pinned him against the wall and told me to go and grab the police and bring them to him. I dashed towards the police and saw them looking around.
"Hey! They are over here! I will explain on the way!" I shouted. The police followed me as I explained the situation.
"Put your hands up! You are under arrest!" One shouted. Once they got Shoyo off of him, they arrested him, later we were informed that he escaped from prison and they hadn't called yet due to technical difficulties.
"Thank you Yuu. I owe you one." He smiled. Behind the smile I could see that he was holding back all his emotions by a hair. I held his hand as we walked back to our apartment. Tanaka, Asahi, and Natsu looked at us confused, we just ignored them and walked to my room. I released his hand and started to hug him. He stood there like a board for a minute then released all his tear while hugging me. I felt my shirt dampen. We stood in front of my closed door hugging. I dragged him into bed so he was at least comfortable while he cried his heart out.

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