H-help M-me...

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"What took you so long? I thought I told you to be home an hour ago! You are a mistake!" He yelled. Kageyama has always had a short temper when it comes to Shoyo. he can't figure out why, but it has always been him. When Yamagucci came around, everything changed. The abuse became worse and things slowly became unbearable. Kageyama would beat him to a bloody pulp. 'What is wrong with him?' Shoyo would often wonder. He also found himself trying to figure out what he was doing that was so wrong that he needed to be beaten so often. Shoyo coward in fear of his boyfriend.
"I-I was t-talking t-to Y-Yuu. I am s-sorry I lost track of the t-time. It w-won't hap-pen again!" He was now walking backwards with Kageyama walking towards him. Shoyo felt a wall behind him, he knew that he could not escape now. Kageyama grabbed his hair and slammed it against the wall. Blood slowly leaked from the tangerines head. Shoyo dropped to his knees and started to see Kageyama swaying as he walked closer to him.
"Ack!" Shoyo then felt a foot in his stomach repeating smacking him in the stomach and chest. "S-stop..." Shoyo slowly began losing conciousness. No, he refused to give in. He laid on the ground as the beating continued. When he finished his beating, Shoyo grabbed his phone and called a number that would help him out.
"Hey Shoyo!" A familiar voice said.
"H-help m-me. I-I s-sent m-my a-address." Before the tangerine could say anymore, he was passed out with the voice still on the phone with him.

Noya's POV

"Hey Shoyo!" I said happily. As I said that Shoyo rasped out two sentences.
"H-help m-me. I-I s-sent m-my a-address."
"Shoyo? Shoyo! I am on my way hang on!" I hung up and ran to Tanaka's room across the hall. I burst in without knocking and looked at him with panicking eyes.
"What is it bro?" Tanaka looked at me with worry in his eyes.
"It is Shoyo! He needs help! Come on! I can't carry him myself!" Tanaka rushed to grab his shoes and together we sprinted out of the apartment ignoring Asahi's questions. Tanaka jumped into the drivers side of the car and I jumped into the passengers side.
"What is going on with Hinata? Why did he call for help?"
"I don't know. He was stuttering and gasping. I think Kageyama went too far today." I said in a worried tone. I checked my phone and saw the address. "Take a right here! It is the largest apartment complex!" We pulled in and rushed up the stairs, climbing up and up. "Help me find room 893!" I shouted at Tanaka. We sprinted down one hall and the next. '891, 892, 893!' When we found it, the front door was open and closed. We slowly opened the door. I looked around the living room and saw my tangerine on the floor unconscious.
"Shoyo!" I shouted as I rushed to his aid.
"Natsu? Where is Natsu?" Said a still sleepy Hinata.
"We don't know, we just got here." I said in a soft tone. He started to panic not knowing where is precious little sister was.
"Grab my phone. Message her. Tell her to come home at once." He ordered. I picked his phone up as he struggled to sit up.

Hinata Shoyo:

Hey, your brother says to get home. Something came up and you need to be here. He said that if he isn't here, his friend Tanaka will be.


Is he ok? I am on my way. Tell him to go with who ever is messaging me. I know Tanaka and his team. I have seen them play.

Hinata Shoyo:

I am Nishinoya. But I will take him to my apartment with Tanaka and Asahi. Oh, your brother said that you're staying with us for a bit. He is packing your stuff right now.


Alright Noya-Senpai. I will be there in about 5.

With Shoyo packing himself and his sister, Tanaka and I went around collecting their stuff. I looked around and noticed how bare it was without their stuff.
"Hey Tanaka! Grab my suit case! I have my sisters!" Shoyo shouted.
"Give me her suit case. I will carry it. Your head is bleeding! Come on, let's go take care of it!" I said rushing him into the bathroom. He winced as I put rubbing alcohol on his wound. I slowly and carefully wrapped his head in gauze and taped it so the end would come undone. "You okay? Is that the only wound?" I asked softly. He looked somewhat nervous as he lifted his shirt and revealed a massive bruise on his stomach. "Shoyo! He went way too far! Hurting people on purpose is not ok, but this? This is far from being ok. Come on. Do you want to talk to Suga?" He nodded and I called the grey headed man.
"Hey Noya! What is up?"
"There is someone who needs to talk to you." I handed my phone to Sho and he immediately started crying his eyes out.
"Suga! I-I can't do anything anymore! I can't play for a while! School is going to be a no go because I ca-" He was cut off by Suga.
"Oh Hinata! I am going over to Noya's place right now! Nishinoya Yuu! Make sure that you are comforting him and make sure that you guys get there in one piece! I will be at your place in fifteen." Suga hung up and I carried Sho out.
"Tanaka, I think you might need to carry both suit cases. My hands are kind of full right now." I said softly to the man that started to walk towards me. He picked the suit case up and started to walk down to the car.
"Tanaka-senpai! Noya-senpai! Is he alright?"
"I am ok Natsu. We are staying with them until I can get us our own place. Yuu, how much a month?" He said quietly.
"Don't worry about it right now. We need to take care of you." I said soothingly. He nodded and passed out in my arms. Natsu opened the back door for me to put him and myself in. I buckled us and Natsu got into the front passenger seat. Tanaka drove us back to our place where Suga was waiting for us.

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