Nap time!

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Asahi's POV:

That ass, why is he getting into everything? Next time he is in my business, I will make sure that he suffers. If I hurt Noya more, he will be in pain too. Heheh, I have a plan now.

Hinata's POV:

I walked into Yu's room, he was crying and shaking in the corner of the room. I walk over slowly, making sure that I do not scare him.
"Yu, are you ok? It is just me. Asahi is not here right now." I say as I squat down next to him. He looks me in the eyes, tears slowly trickling down his cheeks.
"Is he coming back?" He asks in a small voice.
"No, not for a while. He left the apartment. If you are alone here, set up a camera in the living room, your room, and Asahi's room. That way we can catch him and send it to the police. If that does not work, I will figure something out. Just don't go in the bathroom with him alone." I say in a firm, yet gentle voice. I don't want him to be hurt by him anymore. I want Yu to be happy and not have to worry about Asahi. It isn't fair to him that he has to deal with this. I am used to it sadly, but he should not have to be. I pulled him into a hug and allowed him to cry into my chest. Screaming, crying, shaking. Fuck, I feel so bad for him! I want to just take it all away and put it on myself. Sadly, that is the backup plan. I let Yu do what he wants and free from Asahi and I take his place.
"Th-thank you. I mean it." He said through his tears. I nod and rub his back. He releases a little hiccup and slowly nods to sleep. I pull him into a hug and just like that, he was asleep on my chest, arms wrapped around my lower half. I didn't move at all, afraid that I would startle him. I soon nod off to sleep after pulling him closer to me, and making sure that Asahi wasn't home.

I woke up, cold, lacking the warmth of Yu. I look around, panicking, start searching the apartment.
"Tanaka! Why? Do you really hate me or something?!" Yu shouts from the kitchen. I walked in, and saw Tanaka laughing at Yu who was covered in flour. I stifle a laugh and walked in. "You are not helping Shoyo."
"Sorry, I couldn't help it." I say giggling slightly. Yu let out a sigh and went back to what he was doing before hand. Lately, I haven't been the greatest brother, I have a lot on my plate and I owe a lot to Natsu. I haven't been there to help her with her homework because I was in the hospital. "Where is Natsu?" I ask.
"She is at a friends for a few days. She wants you to rest up and make sure that you are ready to teach her volleyball." There it is. I promised her that I would teach her spiking. I nod and walked into the bathroom to shower.

I know that this isn't a long chapter, but I was desperate to do something. At least I published something. For the Naruto fans out there, I am working one publishing a book. I will put a sneak peek in a future note. I am also working on a Yuri on Ice fandom. I will also put that in a future note.

Thank you so much for having some patience! I owe a lot so I will make a chapter of your choice!

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