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"Yu, what the hell happened last night?"
"I don't know, Asahi shoved me into a closet and blared music so I couldn't hear anything." I say with tears coming to my eyes. I was useless again. He protected me again. I hate being this useless all the time.
"I will fucking kill him. Will you y'all bail me out of jail?" He says with a completely serious face.
"Hell ya I will. But don't give up your future for that. It is my own fault that we are in this mess."
"N-no, it is mine. I pissed Asahi off when I told him that we started dating. I could tell that he was pissed. He started to rant to some dude that would come over occasionally, you are lucky that y'all haven't met them. They are cruel. I told them to fuck off and leave me alone. Asahi pinned me to a wall and all together they..."
"Hey, it is okay now. You are safe! Hey, hey, hey, look at me. You are ok." Shoyo started to shake, tears trailed down his face. I hopped into the backseat and held him. He buried his head into my chest and sobbed his heart out. I looked at Suga, who was driving, and nodded.
"If you are gonna kill him, bring me with you. I will happily join in. Just wait until I get out of the hospital. I would love to mutilate his body, and make sure that is it never found but any light that may hit it. I promise that he will die a horrible death, it won't be pretty if you can't handle blood." Sho started to giggle. He finally snapped. No one is gonna stop his spree.
"Shoyo, you can only murder Asahi and his friends that did that to you. I will help with the kidnapping, you can have fun with the murdering part of things. I still can't believe that he did that to you. I will make sure that you get the satisfaction of him either going to jail or dead." I say as he continues to giggle. Slowly, his giggles became laughter. The kind of laughter where tears are coming to your eyes.

"Hey Doc, how is he?"
"Well, definitely ripped his rectum. It will be painful, but, it will heal. Was he raped? We found a different semane, all from different people. I would ask him about it. He isn't answering me directly. Please take care of him or he will snap. Y'all would be in harms way if he does."
"Is there a chance that you could keep him here for a while? He might have already snapped. He started to giggle and mention that he wanted to kill the man who did this to him. I don't know who it was." I lied.
"If he gives a name, let me know. I will alert the authorities." I nodded and walk to Sho's hospital room. He looked traumatized.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Tears were coming to his eyes. I could tell that he was holding them back.
"I am fine. Just don't mention this to THAT doctor." Fear apparent in his eyes. He was one of the friends that ganged up on him with Asahi.

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