The Tree *short*

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I awoke to a room that isn't my own, I looked next to me and saw sleeping Yuu. Damn, he is adorable. I sat up and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek then went to my room and put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants. I made myself an egg and sat at the table to eat. I often lose myself to my own head, leaving me with little or no room to get out. I thought about how I have to rely on him so much and I can't even help myself. How useless am I? I can't alway lean on him. I sigh as I put my plate in the dishwasher. I sent a text to Yuu and the others that I am out on a walk and if they needed anything I would pick it up. I close the door behind me, with my shoes on, I walk towards the woods near the school, I know that I can be at peace there.
"I think my depression is now starting to get to me." I mumble to myself. I walk behind the school to see the woods I know and love. I jogged over and entered the woods. Once I was a good ways in, I searched for my favorite tree and started to climb. It was a pine tree, perfectly spaced out branches, and you could almost climb to the top. Once I got to my favorite branch, I sat down and looked over the busy city. It is so calming at this hight. Even though, I could fall to my death, I was at peace. I felt my phone vibrate and it said a message from Yuu.


Hey, I got your text! I was wondering if you want to head to a cafe near the apartment?


Sure! I will be there in ten.

I let out a sigh as I climb down the tree, making sure that I climb down carefully. Once I was down I started walking to the cafe he was talking about. I plugged in my headphones and started drowning out the sound of the city. Once I got near the apartment, I noticed Yuu on his phone walking across the street.
"YUU! LOOK OUT! THERE IS A CAR COMING! YUU!" I shout at the top of my lungs. I sprinted towards him and shoved him out of the way of the incoming car. BAM! I couldn't hear anything or feel anything. I soon saw black coming towards me and Yuu walking away from my body lying on the ground. I couldn't see his face but I don't think he cares. I let myself be swallowed by the welcoming darkness.

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