Waking up

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Now that I entered all of my memories with a stranger in my head.
Wait, there is a stranger in my head... WHAT THE FUCK! HOW AM I JUST NOW REALIZING THIS?! I am back to where we were before we entered the blue orbs, only this time, there is light.
"I am sending you back, it is clear that you still have a lot to do and you haven't done it. Go ask him out, marry him, surpass your idol, never forget that you have your team backing you up all the way." Yachi says as she slowly fades away.
"Thank you for everything!" I shout as she finishes fading into nothing. I look around and decide to follow the tunnel of light behind me. I am ready to go home now. I smile to myself, knowing that I have found my real family.

"If you are to argue, please take it outside." A doctor scolds us. He sighs and turns around, "Oh, your friend is now awake. You can see him once we get his arms and legs out of the casts. Oh, and the tubes. Those things are annoying to get out." He sighed.
"You are not going in Kageyama Tobio." Tanaka sneered. I looked around and saw Kiyoko with a girl holding her hand, Daichi, Suga, and Natsu.
"He is awake! Once they unhook him from the tubes and get the casts off, we can see him." I said half shouting. "Kiyoko, who is she?" I ask.
"Nishinoya Yuu! Don't be rude! This Yachi, her girlfriend." Suga teases. I let out a happy sigh and I know that Tanaka will get over it soon. I looked at Tanaka, and somehow he looked somewhat relieved.
"Ok, you can come in now. He is a little weak right now, but in the next month, he will be back to where he was. Make sure that he gets lots of rest and doesn't push himself too much. I know that you want to know when he will be discharged, it will be in a week, when we know how he is doing. If he needs to stay longer, he has to stay." He said walking away from us. He gave us a wave and I dashed into the room.
"You asshole. Never do that again. You should have let me get hit." I let a tear run down my cheek as I was speaking.
"I don't think I am an asshole for making you mine." He gives me a sly grin and winks at me. I felt heat and blood rise to my cheeks.
"What are you talking about? I am not dating you." Tears still fell from my face, he sighed.
"You are really dense you know that? That was me asking you out." He said still with a sly grin. More blood rushed to my cheeks and I looked away. "O-oh. S-sorry, yo-you moved on, d-didn't you?" His grin was now slowly fading. I looked around and saw everyone staring.
"Uh, I-I g-got to go. I am glad that you are okay!" I said rushing out of the room.

Sho's POV:

I sat there stunned. I thought that he loved me. I see nothing is new. The minute I fall for someone that isn't abusive, they reject me. I felt tears swell in my eyes and a lump growing in my throat. Why me?
"Are you okay Hinata?" Suga asked quietly. I smiled my normal smile and told Suga that I was just fine. "Everyone out for a few minutes. I want to talk to Hinata alone," he said in his mother voice. Everyone sprinted to the door, fearing what would happen if they disobeyed him. "Hinata, I know that you are hurt, but you need to let your emotions. It isn't healthy to keep everything in." I looked shocked and I felt a lump growing in my throat. A single tear found its way out of my eye and slowly trickled down my cheek. Suga hugged me and brought my head to his shoulder. I slowly let out more tears, from that single tear to now having a full crying session. "It is okay to cry Hinata. He hurt you and now you need to be able to heal in some way, right? Let it all out. I am here. I am here." The words 'I am here' mean a ton to me. No one has really said that to me. I think Suga was one of the first. I don't mind that though. He is a good person and I like him a lot, I mean as a parental figure. I can't imagine dating him. I can only see myself with Yuu. I cried even harder knowing that I can't see myself with anyone else except Yu. That is sad on my part. All I can do is cry. I am so weak and fragile. I can't believe that I thought anyone would really love me. I continue crying until there is nothing left in me. Suga was still petting my hair as I slowed my breathing. I pulled away and he smiled. "Feeling better?"
"Yeah, thanks Sugamama," I said sadly. "how did you know that I needed to let it out?"
"Just a feeling."

Ok, I am so sorry for not posting for so long! I spent all day friday with my brother and then yesterday, my best friend came over and she is still here.

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