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"Where the fuck is my baby?"
"I am here Sugamama." I said tiredly. My entire stomach and head is pounding.
"What did he do to you? What the fuck is wrong with him?" He said shrilly. Suga picked me up from Yuu's arms and carried me to the couch. "Your Natsu?" He said turning away from me and looked at my younger sister.
"Yeah, I am Natsu. You must be Suga then!" My sister said excitedly. She has always wanted to meet Suga. She sees him as her idol. "I have always wanted to meet you out of any of his team. I have met now Suga, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Kageyama, and Yamagucci!"
"You have met Yamagucci?" I asked looking at Suga then looking at Tanaka and Yuu.
"Yeah! Your boyfriend brought him over and they had fun! I saw that they watched a movie together then did an exercise naked. It was weird!" I laid there, shocked, tears leaked from my eyes. I can't believe they fucked when MY baby sister was home!
"Yuu, Suga, I am calling HIM. He needs to answer my
"What is Suga, Hinata, and this kid doing here Noya? Tanaka?" Asahi asked. Tanaka filled him in as I called him.
"Hey, Babe. I just heard something interesting. I heard that you had sex with Yamagucci. And not just sex, you had sex with my sister there. Thankfully she thought it was exercise, but that is no excuse. You were supposed to be loyal and caring. I thought you were different for a while. I was sadly mistaken. You are abusive like my parents, you cheated like my dad did, you beat me like my mother did. I have packed all our shit, we are living somewhere else. If you think that you can come near my little sister again, you are mistaken. If you come near me without another member of the team that I am living with or it is Suga or Daichi, I will call the police for abuse. I have lots of recording because I thought that they would come in handy one day." I said with a grin and tears streaming down my face. Yuu got on top of me and snuggled in to comfort me, Suga hugged my head, Tanaka and Asahi took Natsu to her room and was helping her unpack.
"Damn, I thought the brat wouldn't tell. We are done by the way. Come to the apartment again, I will give you the worst beating in your life."
"Your ready for murder then? Great! The worst beating put me in a coma and nearly killed me. So you're ready to kill if I come near? That is impressive. Right I forgot, we stopped dating when you fucked Yamagucci. Hey Tanaka! Call Tsukki and tell him to get his salty ass over here! Tell him that there is something that he needs to know!" I shouted. I could hear Kageyama gasp. He knew that once Tsukkishima knew, he was fucked over.
"NO! Don't tell that salty dinosaur!"
"Aw! Why not? Last I checked, you're just an ex! Bye Kageyama!" I hung up before he could protest and it was done. Tsukki is on his way, I broke up with Kageyama, moved in with Yuu and the rest, and now single and not afraid for once in my life. I smiled and saw Yuu sleeping on my chest and decided to not move.
"You two are adorable Hinata." Suga said in a soft voice.
"Thanks Suga. We should prep to tell Tsukki about the love of his life cheating on him." I said quietly to not wake the sleeping Libero. Suga sat down in and arm chair and we waited for the salty dino.

"What the fuck do you guys want?" The dino said in an annoyed tone.
"You may want to sit down for this." Suga said softly. Tsukki sat down looking concerned.
"It is about Yamagucci. He hasn't been loyal or faithful. He has been spreading his legs to Kageyama. My younger sister caught them fucking while we were at practice one day." Tsukkishima looked around to confirm what he was hearing, his Yamagucci was cheating on him. Slowly a tear trickled down his cheeks and landed on his leg. Suga walked over to Tsukki and hugged him.
"N-no, this ca-can't be right! He-he would never!" I nodded my head and said, "Tsukkishima, it is best to let him go. It isn't healthy to stay with him. I am sorry. I just found out a few minutes ago. Suga, can we take a bit off from volleyball?" I asked in a quiet voice.
"Of course. You two need some time off after all that happened today." He said getting up. Suga grabbed his keys and left. Tsukki, after calming down, said his thanks and goodbyes and left. Yuu continued to sleep a peaceful slumber.
"Tanaka! Where is his room?" I whisper-shouted.
"First door on the left! It is a mess so be careful not to trip!" He whisper-shouted back. I slowly sat up and put one arm under his knees and one to support his back. Carrying him bridal style to his room was fairly easy. He is light and tiny like me. When I opened his door, it looked like a tornado hit his room. I laid him down on his bed and started cleaning his room. I threw all his dirty clothes in the wash and put everything away so when he wakes up, he has a clean room.
"Tanaka, I assume that I share with my sister right?" I asked closing Yuu's door.
"Nope! You have your own room. It is next to Noya's room." Tanaka said. I walked into my room and saw my suit case on my bed and my shoes by the closet. I began to unpack and await for the next hurdle that life throws at me.

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