Back at Practice

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Tangerines POV:

"Yuu! Come on! We missed all of practice yesterday! We can't miss another day! I don't want Suga to go into mama mode!" I shouted. Yuu refuses to get out of bed. I have tried pouring water on him, but now my bed is wet, I have tried shaking him, yelling, ripping the blankets off, and just about every way I could think of. "Fine, I guess we will have to go for round four then. Since you refuse to get up, I might as well take advantage of this." I said in a low seductive voice. He shot up, know what would happen. He waddled to his room to get dressed. I may have gone slightly too hard last night, I knew he enjoyed it though.
"I am ready! Let's go before Suga and Daichi has our asses doing double." Yuu said letting out a slight shiver. I opened the door for him and the locked the door behind me. We walked down the street for a little bit until I saw a familiar face.
"Yuu, let's go this way." I said pulling his had towards the other side of the street.
"BRAT! GET BACK HERE! I KNOW YOU SAW ME! DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND! YOU ARE A DISAPPOINTMENT!" The familiar human shouts. With Yuu's hand in mine, I lead us the quickest route to practice.
"What was that about?" He asked when we caught our breath.
"Well, that was my dad. You know, the dick?" I asked in a casual tone, like his existence never bothered me.
"Damn, he is crazy. Did he get out of prison or did he escape?" He asked.
"I would get a call either way. If he escaped, I would be the first one to be notified. If he got out, I would be the first one notified. Unless he was bailed out, I wouldn't be notified. But who would bail him?" I thought out loud. Yuu looked terrified.
"Should we tell the others that you stayed home? I think it is best if you go home or stay with someone at all times."
"I agree. That is why I have you, my fearsome protector." I teased. This has not been my week. I can't seem to leave my past behind. Every time I think it is behind me, it catches back up. We walked into the gym together and everyone stared.
"Suga, you got it wrong, I stole his." I said winking at Yuu. Blush rose to his face and he looked away from everyone.
"Wait, Shrimpy topped Shorty? I thought it would be the other way around. Who knew that Shrimp had a dominant bone in his body." Tsukki said in his normal sarcastic salty tone. I shrugged it off and went to warm up with the others.
"HINATA SHOYO! HOW DARE YOU FUCK HIM! YOU ARE MINE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! MY APARTMENT! NOW!" Kageyama shouts. I roll my eyes and ignore his shouting. I can't believe I dated him. He is so extra about me. It is obvious that he just wants to fuck me and make me clean.
"Sure Kageyama." I said giving a sadistic smile. He smiled, thinking he won. "When you realize that you are a dick, a fuckboy, and not to mention a cheater, maid searching, fucking asshole. Oh yeah, I wasn't kidding when I said that we were done. I am not interested in you or your life. Now if you don't mind, I need to stretch so we can practice." I shot at him. I let out an angry sigh, and left him standing there like an idiot.

Time skip to after practice:

Everyone has left except me because I wanted to practice more. I told Yuu and the others I would meet up with them in about ten minutes. I started to clean up, knowing that it takes me five minutes to do that and walk to the Ukai's store. I can't believe that lazy person is our coach, yes he is good at what he does, I learned more from my idol and watching TV. I sighed and locked the gym door.
"Hey kiddo, missed your father?" I turned around and there was that man who delivered most of the blows to my self-esteem, the reason that I fell into a pit.

Hey people! I have decided to make the next chapter about our Sho's past. Yes, there was a little on it in an older chapter, but I am going into deeper details.

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