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Why the fuck did I run out like that? I know that I love him, but for some reason, it felt like my heart was going to give out if I stayed there. Was I that nervous?
"NISHINOYA YU! WAIT UP!" A voice shouts behind me. I look behind me and see Tanaka sprinting after me. I stopped sprinting and slowed to a walk. "What the fuck was that? I know that you love him and you are hurt, but that must have hurt Hinata." He said gasping for air. I sigh and look up to the sky.
"Tanaka, I will say this once and only once, I don't love him. I thought that I did, but I think it was just a crush. I know that we fucked and shit, but I want it to stop. I don't want to be in a relationship. I am not a faithful partner. Think about it, I have kissed several girls while I was dating Asahi. I am not going to be good for him." I said making my voice angry.
"Y-You cheated on Asahi? What happened to my best friend? Noya, what is going on with you? Are you telling me that you just had sex with Hinata for sex and not because you love him?"
"Take it as you please with the Asahi part, and yes, I did fuck Hinata for fun. Even though he dominated me, it still felt nice." I said with anger still reeking in my voice. Tanaka walked up to me and slapped me hard across the face. "I deserved that," I said calmly.
"What happened to my best friend? He was so kind, may have been a perv but he was a good guy, he was selfless, confident, and loyal. Where is he?" Tanaka is pissed. It is really rare to see him this mad. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me back inside the hospital. "Most of all, he was honest and not lying to his best friend. I know that you love him and not using him for sex. It is so obvious!" I rolled my eyes forcefully and walked away from Tanaka. I know that I fucked up. I am aware that I am a screw-up. I am brutally aware of it.
"Tanaka, stop." He let go of my wrist and looked at me with a stunned face. "I was not kidding about the fact that I don't love him. I am serious about using him for sex. It was amazing and the best. If you will excuse me, I am going home. I don't want to bother the 'Prince Shoyo'"
"What happened to my best friend?" He said walking away. I turned around and walked back to the apartment. I decided to write a note to everyone. I may need it in the future.

Sho's POV:

"Hey, Tanaka! Where is Yu? I thought I saw him with you." I said in a happy voice.
"He, uh, had something to do back at the apartment." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh, ok then," I said slowly. I thought about how we were doing but I think because I asked him out, he is running from me. If this continues, I don't know what I would do with myself. He is the only one for me and I want to marry this boy one day. Jesus, I sound like a child. I rest my arm on my forehead and relaxed on the hospital bed. Suga, still next to me, looked over at me and gave me a curious look. "I am fine Sugawara. Trust me on this, I am perfectly fine." I said with a sigh. He rolls his eyes and walked out. "Wake up Hinata, you should move on if he doesn't love you back. There is still time to find someone else." Great, I made him irritated. How though? I don't get it, I am just being me. The real me. Is it really that bad? Screw the doctors, I need air.
"You need to lay down." Tanaka said softly.
"I need air Tanaka. It has beem a rough month and I want to get out of this room. It is making me depressed."
"I can't let you leave! You need to sit down and heal! If you don't, I will leave like Suga did!"
"Tanaka, I need air. I am tired of listening to everyone, now let me do this one thing for my own sanity. I do not wish to end up in an asylum again."
"You were in an asylum?"
"Yeah, for depression and suicidal acts." I pushed him to the side and he left my room. Not caring what would happen. I snuck my way up to the roof with my phone in hand.

I am so sorry for not posting! My friend has been living at my place until somethings are sorted out with her family issues. She is like having nine narutos surrounding you and not letting you leave.

Oh! Merry Christmas! A little late, but hey, better late then never!

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