His Past

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"Shoyo! Get your tiny ass down here!" My father yelled. I am currently five and waddling down the stairs. I poke my head out into the living room. Father was surrounded by alcohol and empty bottles. "Get your ass over here!" He yelled. I let out a little yelp and walked towards him slowly. He yelled at me to move my ass quicker. When I reached the couch that he was sitting on, he grabbed a beer and the yelling is about to start.
"Yes father?" I asked sweetly. I wince as he grabbed my wrist.
"Where is your report card?"
"I-It is in my room father." He let me go so I could dash up to my room, open my back pack, and grabbed my report card. I dashed back down stairs and meekly handed it to him. He looked over it for a minute, his white hair bobbing as he read.
"Only A- in math? A 99 in your spelling quiz? You brat! Do you know what I do for you?" He screached. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a room, the room where he beats me, the room that he burned me, the room that I despise most of all. He threw me onto a table in the center of that dark room and strapped me down. He pulled out his favorite weapon to use on me, the whip.
"No! FATHER PLEASE! I WLL DO BETTER NEXT TIME! PLEASE!" I pleaded. He ignored my pleading and told me to count to 559. After each whipping, I would count up. He would do this until Mother got home.
"Go cover up your bruises! I expect you down for dinner in ten minutes." I simply nodded and tried to stop the tears from streaming down my facing knowing that once Mother is in bed, it would get worse. I walked up to my room, and put foundation on every bruise that is visible. Once I did that, I walked into the dining room and sat at my place. Father sat next to me and Mother sat across from us.
"Father, do you mind if I sit by Mother for tonight? I want to spend a little extra time with her since she works so much. He nodded and gave me a glare saying that I will regret it later. I moved my plate and fork and sat next to Mother. She gave me a hug and dished me some food. She made my favorite meat buns with a green relish to put on top. I ate slowly so I could push aside the beatings for a little longer.
"How was your day Shoyo?" Mother asked.
"I got OK grades. I got all A-'s and a 99 on my test." I said sadly.
"That is great! I couldn't get those grades in kindergarten. I was failing the entire time. Barely passed." She said laughing. I smiled at her laugh and looked at Father who was on his third beer. "Dear, shouldn't you stop drinking? It is dangerous if you continue. You don't want our son to be fatherless now would you?" She asked. I love her, but the man that fucked her and then married her, is an ass. He has beaten your own child Ma. I thought to myself. I picked up everyones plate and started to do the dishes. Mother walked over to me and started drying the dishes I washed and putting them away. Together, Mother and I watched a movie then she went to bed. The time that I was dreading. I walked down into the room, and waited for my father. He walked in, drunk as fuck, and tackled me onto the table. He tore my shirt and pants off, leaving me in my boxers. He started to mouth rape me and then moved to my ass. He stuck his thing into me without warning and then went as fast as he could, making sure that I felt pain. Once he finished, blood was dripping down the inside of my thighs.
"I will tell your mother that you are at a friends house for the next few days so you can recover down here alone." He spat as he walked to the living room. I laid there, crying my little heart out, knowing Mama would never find out what really is going on down here. I couldn't move, my lower half is in so much pain.

After about three days in that room and little to no food a day, I walked out and showered a needed shower. I put on my favorite pair of sweats and put on my favorite sweatshirt and walked outside to get to school. I bought myself an egg sandwich from McDonalds, and walked to class. When I got there, the teacher looked at me with disgust.
"Where were you for the last three days? You missed two quizzes and five assignments. I will be calling your father." She spat. Tears came to my eyes. I dropped to my knees and started pleading with her.
"No please! You don't know what he does to me! Please! I will do anything!" I cried. She picked up the phone and started calling my father. I cried and she thought I was just exaggerating about Fathers punishments. I walk over to the little sink in the classroom and grabbed a tissue and started wiping the makeup off in front of her. She watched me, horrified that I was purple and red. "Please don't call Father. It will make my life harder than what it already is." I said quietly, tears streaming down my face. Thankfully none of the other kids were looking at me. She walked over with the phone back where it was and hugged me.
"I am so sorry that you have to deal with that. Do you need me to call anyone?" She asked kindly. I shook my head and told her that if that happens, Mother would be mad. She, to this day, is the only one who knows the full extent of my fathers beatings.

Seven years later:

After walking home, knowing I was going to get beaten again because I got a 99 on my science test, I opened the door to see my father. Beer surrounding him like usual but this time, there is stripper there. With his dick inside of her, ushered me to my room. Before I went up, I took a picture and sent it to Ma.


Hey hun! How was school?


Mom, there is something you need to know, there is a stripper downstairs and dad has his pants down.


Hunny, it is your imagination!


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Stay in your room until I get home. I will be there in five.

Hey peeps! I will post again after school. Sadly I have math in ten minutes sooo, I won't be typing in there. French tho, I can guarantee that I will be working on the next part to this.

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