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Where am I? I looked around me, I only see black but I can see myself perfectly. As if it was day only where I stood.
"Shoyo~" A voice called. I spun around trying to figure out whose voice it was. "Shoyo~" The voice called again. This time I ran towards the voice, a girl no older than me, blond, short, dark chocolate eyes. "I am Yachi, Kyoko's girlfriend."
"Kyoko is single though. Why did she tell us that she is single?" I ask. She didn't answer. Instead bright blue bubbles faded into view. Each one holding a memory. Some good, some bad. Mostly bad though. My life has been full of shit, but it does have a little bit of good. My team, Yuu, freedom that I deserved, Natsu.
"She didn't want to scare you all away. Suga and Daichi already know since they are about to get married."
"What are you doing here though? Where am I?" The memories started to release a baby blue light. Yachi's hair now looks like a light blue because of the light.
"Sadly, I have to tell if you should keep living or not. You are in surgery right now. It is my decision if you survive it. Come, we have much to look at." She waved a hand that said follow. I followed behind her, not knowing what was going to happen. She walked into a bubble, disappearing once inside. I hesitantly followed behind her, not knowing what is beyond that barrier.

3rd person in the Hospital:

Nishinoya and the rest of the team sat in the room, waiting for the young male to wake. They have no idea if he would wake because of his severe injuries.
"Suga, can you take Natsu to your place tonight? She might like having parental figures around." Nishinoya asked. Suga nodded and looked at the small boy who would not wake. He sighed and carried Natsu to the car where Daichi was waiting. Noya, Tanaka, Asahi, and Tsukki remained near the bed for the rest of the night. Asahi, Tanaka, and Tsukki would go and get coffee and clothes for Noya who only left Shoyo's side to use the restroom.

It has been a week now since the incident. Noya still hasn't left his side once.
"Please wake up soon. Please. You don't know how much you mean to me." He whispers. Asahi, Tanaka, and Tsukki came back with coffee, food, and clothes for Noya. He left the bed and went into the nearby bathroom and changed. His mind was still stuck on how it was his fault that he was in the hospital. Noya left the bathroom and doctors came rushing into the room which he was in before.
"What is going on?" Yuu asks. Asahi, looking like he was about to cry, looks down.
"His heart stopped beating for a minute. When it started again, the doctors ushered us out." Yuu started to cry his little heart out holding Tanaka. Tsukki comforted the tall brunette.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY TANGERINE!" A voice shouts. 'No, not right now.' Tanaka thinks. Kageyama dashed to where the four were standing and started to scream at them. "WHERE IS MY BOYFRIEND? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO HIM?" He shouts.
"HE GOT INTO AN ACCIDENT YOU PEICE OF SHIT! HE HAS BEEN HERE FOR WEEK AND YOU ARE JUST FIGURING OUT?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" Tanaka yells back. Doctors rush to see what the commotion was. All they saw was a broken team that needed their human tangerine.

I updated the cover! What do you think?

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