Entering the Room

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I looked at the voice who wanted to talk to me. He was slightly shorter than me, brown hair with a blond streak, brown eyes, and his volleyball clothes.
"Let him in Tanaka. I wanted to talk to him anyway." I said looking at the bald boy. He moved out of the way and aloud Yu into the hospital room. Yu sat down next to me and looked sheepish, not looking me in the eye.
"Look, I need to apol..."
"Don't apologize, you needed space and time. I get it. Plus, I went about it the wrong way. I will ask properly when I get out. I promise." Yu looked out the window and blushed slightly.
"I still want to apologize so shut up." He said sassily.
"I wouldn't do that kitten," I said in a low husky voice. "not unless you want something only I can give." I say in a whisper. Yu shivered slightly and Tanaka groaned.
"Please make a sign at least, that was scarring." I laugh a little at Tanaka and Yu blushed a bright red color.
"Is that all you came for? I will be release next week, and uh, I was wondering if you want to go out on a date with me? The day after I am released?" I ask not looking at him in the eyes, but out the window, trying to act tough.
"Of-of course! I would love to." Yu said shyly. He smiled a shy smile and looked out the window.
"What's up, you are never this shy." I said in a worried voice.
"Yeah, I will tell you later. For now, take care of yourself."

A few minutes earlier with Yu:

I walked home, knowing that I messed up. I think Asahi went home before I left, if he is home, I am not leaving my room. I walked in the door and saw Asahi on the couch, looking as if he was waiting for me.
"Hey Nishinoya. What's wrong, you look down?" Asahi asked while getting up from the couch. I walked towards my room, ignoring what he asked. "Hey, what's going on in your head? You are never this quiet. YU!" He shouts at me. I roll my eyes at him and towards my room again. Asahi stepped in front of me, blocking my path.
"Asahi, let me go to my room. I want to be alone right now." I said with my head down. Asahi shoved me into the wall and would not release me. "Let me go. I just want to be alone Asahi!" He started to kiss my neck and push harder on my wrists. I bit my lip to suppress my moan. "Asahi! STOP! I DON'T WANT THIS! ASAHI!" I yell. As I was about to release another scream, he put his belt into my mouth. He rolled his eyes and and said, "Shut up, you had your chance, now you get what you deserve for not listening. Oh, I knew about your cheating. I am now getting pay back."
"Buh mehally scawin meh?!" I scream through the belt that is stuck in my mouth.
"Yes, now shut up or it will get worse." I stopped screaming, but tears streamed down my cheek. I hate this. I want to to stop. He started to unbutton my button down shirt. "N-No!" I yelled through the belt. He slowly unbuttoned my pants, from there he continued to kiss down my chest to my stomach.

yeah. I can't write that shit. I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN SO LONG! I GOT SO BUSY WITH SCHOOL! I did stick to my promise and posted today even though it is 10 pm.

Ja'ne my fellow weebs!

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