Nekoma vs Karasuno

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The line up was this: Tsukki, Me, and Tanaka in the front and Daichi, Suga, and Yuu in the back. I don't know Nekoma players except Kenma, Lev, and Kuroo really so I don't know who sis in their line up. Diachi served a jump serve. Their Libero saved the ball from nearly hitting the floor and sent it up to Kenma. It looks like he is going to use Lev to spike the ball. No, it is too far from the net, is he going to aim for their ace? Yes, it is the ace. I dashed over and jumped as the ball was reaching their ace. I hope Bokuto is in the audience! He would be so proud of me, I blocked the ball with no issue. Their Libero and other players couldn't dive down fast enough to save the ball.
"Wooo! Good job Hinata!" Suga shouted. I smiled them a toothy smile and looked back at our opponents. Kuroo is up to serve, serving is what he does best so Yuu and Daichi need to look out for that. Kuroo did a normal serve and sent it towards Tsukki knowing that he is weaker on receives. Damn it! I ran over and received for him so we don't lose our lead. I looked around and Yuu running up to do a serve from behind the line. He gave me a look and I dashed to a corner that no one could block. Yuu sent the ball to me and I saw a wide opening in the court, it was a perfect spot to aim for. I smacked the ball feeling the hard core in the center, as the ball it the ground almost the entire team on the court was sliding to get the ball. After about twenty minutes or so we had finished the first set of points.
"Wow, I didn't realize that Hinata could receive so well! I thought he still sucked!" Tsukki said in surprise. I smiled smugly but Daichi smacked my head. Asahi smiled apologetically. Tanaka ran over to Kyoko.
"Kyoko! I did so well didn't I? You saw how I spiked right? Wasn't it impressive?" Tanaka asked. Kyoko rolled her eyes and looked back at the clipboard.
"Alright! We need to get the final set or we are done for! Listen up! I want Kageyama out there, Daichi, I don't give a fuck, I need him out there so these two can do what they do best." I looked at Suga who looked at Kyoko. She coughed a little and whispered something into Coach Ukai's ear. "Oh, o-oh. Ok, I take that back, Sugawara, you are a setter, you take Kageyama's place for the game. I am surprised that you didn't kick him off Daichi. Back in my day, anyone who did something like that is gone from the team permanently." Daichi nodded but before we could say anything else, the second half was starting. We jogged out and back into the same line up except Tanaka was replaced with our ace, Asahi. The shy man smiled and then got into his mental space of focus. Everyone followed suit as Lev served. Before we could move the ball was on the ground rolling away. Damn those long arms! It is my serve now. I can't say that I am the best at it by any means but there is little that I can do about it now. I threw the ball up and it looked like it was falling in slow-motion. I saw Nekoma shuffling in slow motion. It looks like if I aim for their captain, it will hit the floor. Kuroo isn't the best at receives but he is the best member in the team. I hit the ball at him and like I suspected, he wasn't ready. He hit it so we have a chance ball. I dashed back to the front and Suga was getting ready to serve it to Asahi. Daichi, Asahi, and I jumped at the same time to confuse people on where the ball was going, as expected, people were rushing towards me and Asahi. So instead of setting to Asahi, Suga sent the ball to Daichi who was waiting for the feeling of the ball being smacked at a vertical angle.

"Tweet! Tweet!" The whistle sounded, Kageyama was holding a number. Suga's number. No, this can't be happening. I started to panic some, air wouldn't enter my lungs, I couldn't stop shaking. Kenma, Yuu, Kuroo, and Suga dashed over to me to try and calm me. I put hands over my ears and started to claw at my hair. Tears started to form. No, no this isn't happening.
"Kageyama! You are not aloud to be on the court! Those were my orders and Ukai's! Get back to the bench!" Daichi yelled. The ref looked at us in confusion. "He has been benched for a reason that isn't meant to be shared by me. Hinata, do you mind if I explain the issue to the ref?" I nodded as the ref walked to Daichi. When he finished telling the ref the story, Kageyama was back on the bench with Suga on the court. By now I was calm and ready to play again.

"WHO IS READY FOR SOME MEAT BUNS!" Yuu shouted when we got off of the bus. We all agreed within a few seconds because we are so hungry. Tsukki said that he had to head home to study for an upcoming midterm so he left when we arrive back at Karasuno. Together as a team, we walked to Ukai's store to get meat buns.

I am so sorry, this chapter was rushed. I decided that it was a good idea to be writing two things at the same time. Sorry this one is also kind of short! I will make it up hopefully with something in the next chapter! Put what you want in the next chapter in the comments! I do read every single one because I want to know what people think so I can improve. Thank you for reading this horrible chapter!

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