He knows

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"Where is Shoyo?" I hear a voice call. Was it Asahi? No, the voice was too sweet. I walk out of my room, rubbing my eyes after have slept with Yu. "Shoyo. We need to talk now." A grey headed man pulled me out of the apartment and into his car. "Hinata Shoyo, I heard Asahi talking about his Pink Sho and how he was so adorable. He showed a picture of you in the pink cat dress. What the fuck? I thought that you were dating Noya." He said with pure confusion. I could tell that he also was feeling very hurt that I was cheating.
"Look, I had to strike a deal with Asahi in order to keep Yu safe. I didn't have a choice really. I care way too much about him. He had to take a picture though? That was a dick move. I already have to be his pet." I say out loud. I release a loud sigh and Suga looked at me with an expressionless face.
"What kind of deal did you make with him?"
"I have to be his pet until he looses interest or if I disobey him, Yu will take his place. He was already raped once, and now I am next. Jesus, I can't seem to catch a break can I? Suga, please do not tell anyone about this. I can't have anyone getting involved. I have to figure this out. I could set a trap or I could just deal with it. It wouldn't be the worst thing. I have survived worse."
"Shut up." I look beside me and Suga was shaking in anger and sadness. "No, you need to call the police and get them involved."
"Suga," I say in a sweet tone. "They don't have any evidence and nor do we. I will think of something. It would be best if no one even knew about this, but Asahi is gonna be showing everyone pictures then it will be coming out eventually. For the time being, I want this to remain between us." He nodded hesitantly and looked at the steering wheel.
"I am here if you anything. I believe that you may need help soon but I will be here if you need it." I smile at him and thank him. I get out of the car and walk back to the apartment where it was just me and Yu.
"Asahi is showing pictures of me in that dress. I hate that he didn't even ask. He lost any respect that I had left. Who am I kidding, that was the jerkiest thing after making me wear a dress and then mouth rape me. I also need to apologize. I don't remember if I apologized. I didn't have a choice in that." I say quietly, holding back tears.
"Hey, hey, hey, you didn't have a choice. You are doing this for me. You don't have to."
"Yes I do, you are worth more than my own sanity and life." I say quietly.
"Don't say that..."
"It is true! I have wasted my life trying to keep everyone happy. When we started playing together, you were the first to return the fact that I was kind. You didn't take advantage of me at all. So, your life is worth more than mine. I have nothing left to give except my own heart. I..."
"Oh Shoooooo!!!" A voice rang in the halls. I dash out into the living room and there laid Asahi, shirtless and with a beer.
"Yes Master?" Shit, I didn't set up the cameras. Fuck.
"Go get that dress on! You are to wear it at all times when it is you, Noya, and myself. No one else. When you come back, I have a question for you."

AyooooOO! I am still alive! I kinda got a bunny recently and she has been taking up most of my time. Sorry that this is so short. I have been working on this one for a week. It was hard for me to write.

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