The Hospital

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Tanaka's POV:

I checked my phone and Noya was calling. I picked up and he was in tears.
"Tanaka! I need you to go and pick Natsu up and meet me at the hospital! I mean right now!"
"What happened?!" I half shouted at him. I could hear him now crying hard.
"He jumped in front of a speeding car to push me out of the way because I wasn't paying attention to the traffic!" He cried. I felt tears coming to my eyes. I told him that I would meet him at the hospital in about twenty minutes. I grabbed my keys and I dashed out the house. I made a mad dash to the car and started it. I drove to Natsu's school and walked in to the reception office.
"I am here to pick up Natsu Hinata." The lady looked shocked and ready to cry.
"She is on her way down. I am so sorry for what happen to her brother. I hope that he will be ok." She said sadly.
"I am sure that he will be ok. He has been through worse. Trust me." I said reassuringly. Natsu walked in, confused about what is going on.
"Tanaka-nii? What is going on? Where is Shoyo?" She asked.
"Hinata got into an accident. We are heading to the hospital. Come on." I say as softly and comforting as possible. She then broke into tears and I carried her out to the car and sat her down in the front passenger seat. She buckled herself while I got into the car. We drove together in silence, trying to cope with what happened. When we got to the hospital, Noya was in tears pacing back and forth.
"Noya! How is he?" I asked.
"He is in surgery. I called everyone except Kageyama. They are on their way now." He said struggling to keep himself composed. I hugged him and tears fell to the ground. Natsu came and joined the hug. She was now bawling as well. I felt tears trickle down my cheeks. I didn't wipe them away because we were all scared, sad, nervous, unsure.
"WHERE IS MY HINATA SHOYO!" A familiar voice shouted. I looked behind me and Sugawara, Tsukki, Yamagucci, Asahi, Daichi, and the rest were here.
"He is in surgery Suga." I said with my voice cracking. Natsu ran to Suga and hugged him. He picked her up and carried her to a chair, rocked her back and forth as he comforted the poor girl. Daichi started to pace while everyone else sat down, waiting for the unknown answers that we are dreading.

"Who is here for Shoyo Hinata?" A doctor asks.
"We all are!" Noya shouts. He was on the brink of tears.
"Well, he will be just fine. We don't know about his memory though. His brain was slightly damaged upon impact. Only time will answer that though. You all can visit him now. Follow if you want to see him." We all jumped to our feet and followed behind him. Once we got to his room, we saw him hooked up with tubes and wires. He looks so peaceful like this. At the same time though, he looks terrible. His whole body is wrapped up and his limbs raised above his heart. Noya, started to cry.
"It is my fault..." He said barely above a whisper. "If I hadn't been so careless..." I hugged him and he stood there like a wood board. "I am sorry Hinata!" He cried into my chest. I looked at Natsu, she couldn't move or look at him. Noya, wrapped his arms around me to pull himself closer to me.

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