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"Hey Yuu!" Hinata looks like he was never beaten. His skin was its normal tone and looked somewhat normal. I could tell that his confidence is low.
"Hey Sho! Lets go practice!"
"S-sorry, I can't. I have to head home. I have a ton of homework and other things to take care of." He said slowly. He dragged out the homework and it kinda sounded like a question.
"I can help with the homework. I am looking for a study buddy anyway." I said trying to sound happy while trying to convince him.
"Sorry Yuu. I have my own responsibilities that I need to do."
"Shoyo, I know about your relationship with Kageyama is like, he beats you. Please, come and stay with me."
"How do you know? I have never been beaten in my life." Lies. Three days ago he came to school with several bruises on his arms, legs, and one on his cheek.
"Don't lie to me Hinata Shoyo. I sent you the video of him cheating. I know he beats you, I know that your sister and yourself need a safe place to stay."
"If I leave him, I am back on the streets. I can't allow her to be on the streets again."
"You were homeless?"

Flashback time! Shoyo's POV!

I walked in the door and dad was with someone. I assume that it is one of his prostitutes that he pays. Mama will be hurt when she finds out. I took a pic and sent it to Mama. I don't think that she is too happy. About an hour later, she barges threw the door and sees dad with his pants down and his dick in another women.
"What is the meaning of this? Is she aware that you are married? Married with two kids?"
"Two? We only have that mistake."
"Do you want to bet? I am fucking pregnant with your child and you are fucking another women. Sho, go and grab your stuff, we are going to moms cheater." I have never seen her so mad before. I doubt that she will recover easily. Nine short months later, Natsu is born. She has the same orange hair as me.

Time skip to a few years later!

"M-mom, pl-please stop! It-it hurts so bad!" Bruises and cuts littered my body, when I go to school, no one give a flying fuck. They can see the beatings quite clearly, yet they don't do shit about it. I want this to end. I want my life to end. If I end it though, who will protect Natsu from mom? She doesn't know what is going on. Dammit! I can't talk to anyone about this! The school will take mom away and put us into a foster system. What if we ran away? No, Natsu is seven Shoyo! You can't get a job yet! You aren't even fifteen! Dammit! I need money and a way to escape! I mean as soon as fucking possible.

Another time skip! My cat is yowling at my door to let him in and I don't want to let him in bc he doesn't sit in my lap to snuggle! It is so sad!

Finally! My senior year! I have an apartment ready for Natsu and me. I want to leave this house as soon as possible!
"Mom, I am taking Natsu and moving out. I am tired of this abusive bullshit. You are lucky that I haven't called the police. Oh yeah, for legal custody, I am taking you to court. Police are here. Thank you by the way, last nights beating finished the plan." I said smugly. The police grabbed her wrists and they shoved her into a police car.

"Natsu, you are going to live with me. I know that I am not mom, but I will provide for us."
"First, Sir, I want to ask Natsu one question, who do you want to live with?"
"I want Mommy but she beats Onii-chan. I don't want her to beat me so I want Onii-chan!" She shouts.
"It is decided, Natsu can visit her mother with Shoyo or another adult present. Natsu is living with Shoyo from now on!" The judge banged hit little hammer to show that the discussion is over.

"Fuck, I was fired again! I need a job and fast! I can't keep our apartment for much longer!" I said to an old friend.
"I don't give a fuck honestly, you are 18 and you haven't lived. Let her go. Go do what you want to do!" he shouts. I can't do that to Natsu! She is twelve!
"No, now fuck off." I said walking away. The next day we were kicked from our apartment, living on the streets.

"Kageyama took us in. We decided to date, and now he is a cheating bastard. There you go Yuu. That is my life story summed up. Abuse and now being cheated on. I have to get to practice. I have missed yesterday, and now I have to make up for it. Come on. We have to get going in order to not be late." He has been threw a shit ton. I thought that my past bullies were bad, but they are put to shame by his family and his past. Damn, I feel so shitty.

"Hey Sugamama! I am sorry I missed practice! I had a ton of homework to do and Natsu needed help."
"Hey, don't worry about it. I get that you have a sister that you need to take care of. Just work hard and we will get past it." Suga hugged Shoyo. Sho seemed like he was about to cry and release all pent up emotions. A tiny tear slipped down his face and landed on the floor.

Shoooooo'ssss POV!!

I felt a tiny hot tear fall down from my eye to the floor. I looked down so Suga doesn't see me like this. He noticed my head bowed with water dripping to the floor.
"Hinata? Are you crying? Is everything ok?" Suga pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and cried into his chest. "Nishinoya Yuu! Take over for me! I have a meeting with a teacher in a minute!" Suga walked me to Yuu and handed me to him. My tears didn't stop the entire time that the switch was happening. I buried my head into his shoulder and sobbed my heart out. Yes, I cried when we lost to San Joan. Oikawa and his team won in the third match and we worked harder than before. This crying though, this the ugly, emotion releasing, therapeutical cry. Yuu started to rub my back and pat my head as I continue sobbing my heart out. I noticed his shirt getting soaked, I dried my tears and looked at Yuu. I love him so damn much, but if i break up with Kageyama, I will be on the streets so I will stick to him for now.
"Thank you Yuu. Sorry I got your shirt wet." I said apologetically.
"Hey, it is fine. If you need someone to talk to, I am here ok? If you want Natsu out of that house, you can live with me. I live in a big apartment with Tanaka and Asahi. You will need rent though. It will make things cheaper for all of us."
"Thanks, for now I will stay with him. I got a job so when I can afford it, I will." I said with a smile. He smiled back and put his thumb up. I waved goodbye and practiced to my hearts content.

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