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An orange tangerine walked into the college campus, ecstatic for being at the school his idol was at, ran to the gym and saw his blueberry boyfriend setting for a green headed boy.
"Kageyama!" The tangerine shouted.
"Boke, Hinata, Boke!" He shouted at him. He sounded angry and less than pleased to see his boyfriend. Hinata bowed his head.
"Gomen Kageyama." He said barely above a whisper. After witnessing this, I walked out of the storage closet.
"Shoyo!" I shouted.
"I told you to call me Yuu or just Noya." I told Hinata. He looked kinda sheepish and looked away from me. His orange hair fell into his face and hid his eyes. What happened to my happy little human tangerine? Coach Ukai called us to start practice. We started with our normal run around the gym then broke off into teams to practice with eachother. The team had two each, for some reason, Kageyama paired up with Yamagucci. The teams were:

Kageyama and Yamagucci

Daichi and Asahi

Tsukki and Tanaka

Sugawara wasn't here today, he must be sick. I looked around and saw Hinata starting to walk and grab a ball to start his practice.
"Hey, Shoyo, do you want to be my partner? I noticed that you and Kageyama aren't partners so I figured that you needed one." I said with a smile on my face. He smiled and nodded.
"You could have gone with Tanaka. He is allowing groups of three. I need to work on serving, receiving, spiking, saves, stamina, and my jumps, I need to catch up to everyone." He said still looking at the ball. What is going on with him? He is usually so happy and not having a care in the world, he seems so upset and kinda down.
"Hey, no one is perfect, let's go get meat buns after practice. My treat." I said with a smile. He smiled back and looked me into the eyes and I saw the little joy that he had. "Do you want me to teach you some of the skills that I have so you can save the ball if I am out? You would be both Libero and a Decoy! That is so cool!"
"Thanks Yuu. Come on! We got to do as much as we can!" He said. He looked happy and excited. I wonder what is going on inside that head of his? I want to get to know him better, we are in the same classes and we went to the same school throughout K-12, we never talked though. He had his friend group and I had mine. We only interacted when we were in practice and we had a project together. Even though we are in the same grade, I am older so he calls me Noya-senpai. I showed him how to slide on the floor and it is the way that won't cause too much pain, I taught him the best way to receive, and helped him with his serving during our time at practice. Practice zoomed by today, it seemed so short. Shoyo and the rest of the team and I went back to the little closet and changed into normal clothes.
"Boke, come on, lets go eat! I am hungry!"
"Hey, Kageyama, I am going to go get meat buns with Noya. I will see you at home." He said the dark blueberry headed boy. He grunted and left. I could have sworn that he said something. I could be wrong. "Ready Yuu? I am starving!" He said with a smile. How can I say no to that? He is adorable, funny, energetic, kind. Oh for fucks sake, I sound like Tanaka when he is talking about Kyoko. I can't really help it though, he really is everything I said and more.

"Kageyama, where is Sho?" Suga asked.
"He went home, he has a ton of homework to do." I know that he is actually cleaning or something like that, Kageyama is so cruel. I pulled Suga away so I can get advice.
"Suga, I need some advice, a friend I have is in a terrible relationship and it gets abusive, what do I do?"
"Is it Hinata? I can see those kinds of things because it happened to me before I dated Daichi. Oh right, we are getting married! Diachi proposed last night after practice. Sorry, anyway, if it was me, I would grab his sister when Kageyama isn't around, grab Hinata and take them to your house. They need a safe place."
"Congrats and thank you for the advice. I don't want to force him though. He has become more and more fragile lately. I don't want to hurt him in anyway." I said I looked around and saw Kageyama pinning Yamagucci. "Suga, are you seeing this?" I said pointing at them. Suga looked over my shoulder and saw Kageyama and Yamagucci making out in the closet.
"Yeah I am Nishinoya. I don't think that this will sit easily with Hinata." I took my phone out and recorded it. I even got the juicy bit of him telling Yamagucci that he was using Hinata. What kind of boyfriend is he? I can't even with him! This is horrible!
"I am going to go. I have some homework to take care of tonight along with studying for the term exams." I walked out the building with my phone in hand open to messages. That cheating bastard! I will kill him if he comes near my Sho. Anger left my head and seethed out into the air. Strangers and friends alike knew that I was pissed.

I made a lot of changes from the first go around. For those who have read it before the change, it didn't sit well with me and I wanted something a little more. I have a feeling that this is a short series.

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