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Just like every other Sunday for the past month Googie sat on the sofa fully dressed and ready waiting for Taehyung to arrive

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Just like every other Sunday for the past month Googie sat on the sofa fully dressed and ready waiting for Taehyung to arrive. Taehyung would show up every sunday at 11 o’clock on the dot. This was the only time Hyejoo would allow Googie to open the door without her, knowing it would be Tae.

There was a knock on the door and Googie jumped off the sofa to answer the door. Hyejoo looked at the clock on her bedstand as she finished brushing her hair to see it was only 10:40 and she hadn’t heard her child scream out, “Taetae,” in joy. She began to worry so she rushed out her room towards the entrance to see her son looking at a man who was not Tae with a tilted head.

Hajoon or in other words Googies father looked at his son and then looked towards Hyejoo with a smirk. He could sense Hyejoo was panicking at his arrival. “Googie, sweetie go to your room, until mama tells you to come out.” Her voice was more serious than soft and Googie ran to his room unwillingly. Googie didn’t want to leave his mother with this man who he knew was his father. He had seen pictures of the man and Hyejoo didn’t lie when he asked who Hajoon was. Googie however didn’t know why this man didn’t live with them but didn’t pry as he knew it would upset his mother.

“So our son grew up well.” Hajoon faked a smile at Hyejoo who didn’t return one instead she rolled her eyes correcting him, “My son grew up well.” Hajoon chuckled knowing Hyejoo was still mad. “babe, you know he is my son. So just let me see him.” Hyejoo scoffed at his remark and a feeling of disgust filled her heart when he called her by the pet name which was once used and adored. “I am not your babe and why do you want to see him now huh?” she questioned wondering what his true intentions were.

Despite every word which seemed to be laced with hatred and nothing more Hajoon couldn’t help but look at her in awe. She was beautiful, always was. Even when the looks she was giving him was nothing more then a glare he wanted her again. Yes, he had come for Googie due to personal reasons, but getting Hyejoo too would be a bonus. A beautiful woman, and son which was adorable not that he had noticed for a future CEO like him would be perfect.

Hajoon only smiled walking closer to her, but Hyejoo didn’t budge. Surprising. “Babe, oh I mean Hyejoo, a father wants to meet his son are you really going to deprive your child of that.” He attempted to play the guilt dripping card knowing how easily it was to fool her. Hyejoo hadn’t changed, but she had become stronger when it came to matters with her son.

Meanwhile Taehyung walked out the lift towards Hyejoo’s apartment to hear shouting between a man and woman. It seemed to be a lovers quarrel, until he recognised the woman who shouted with much anger and hatred he didn’t at first recognise. “A father wouldn’t try and kill his son, so no Googie is not your son now leave,” Hearing Hyejoo shout in this manner, he ran to her apartment seeing the door open and an unknown man in front of her. Taehyung didn’t know what to do until he saw the man walk froward shouting at Hyejoo to let him see the child. Seeing this he ran towards the two pulling the man from the back of his hood away from Hyejoo.

Hajoon laughed sarcastically at this man who had pulled him back, now standing with his arm protectively around Hyejoo. “I see.” he looked between the two throwing his now blonde hair back in frustration. He looked at the frame on one of the coffee tables and threw it. The frame shattered on the floor followed by a white vase and so on. Shards covered the floor in no time and Hyejoo began to panic. “Hajoon stop.” Hajoon froze for a second looking at her and then sneered, “Or what.”

Googie could hear his mother shout in the living room, she had never sounded so angry. He was scared. He ran to his bed leaving the Lego bricks he was playing with and snuggled into the underarm of the large bear he had on the corner of his bed. He sniffed into the shirt the bear wore which was once his mothers as a source of comfort. He soon heard a laugh which he didn’t recognise followed by the sound of things crashing and Hyejoo shouting again. Googie whimpered as he tried to hide himself further under the teddys arm.

Hyejoo was about to stop Hajoon but Taehyung held her back. Hajoon eventually stopped throwing things around, straightening out his hoodie taking large strides towards Hyejoo. “Either you come to me with Googie or I’ll see you in court.” He pulled his face close towards Hyejoo only to have Taehyung stop him going any further with a hand on his chest. “Bye babe.” He faked a smile as he placed down his card on the coffee table and left.

Hyejoo let out a sigh and the tears of worry she had been holding in. Taehyung held her helping her walk to the couch. “Please check on Googie.” She manged to choke out between her sobs. Taehyung nodded making his way to Googies room. He saw Googies small figure hiding under blankets and a teddy. “Googie?” he called out receive a small ‘yes’ along with a sniffle as a reply. Taehyung sighed as he made his way to Googies bed.

Googie now feeling weight on his bed he popped out the blanket, shuffling towards Tae. Taehyung lifted him so the small child was now sitting on his lap. He wiped Googies tears reassuring him that everything was okay. “Googies lips quivered as he told Taehyung how scared he was, hiding his face into Taehyung's chest soaking the elders shirt with tears. Googie eventually stopped crying looking up to Tae to ask how his mother is. “Hyejoo is a little upset, I’ll go talk to her and then you can give her a hug to make her feel better okay. I’ll call you in abit.” He stroked Googies head and went to the living room to see Hyejoo fidgeting with her fingers.

“Hyejoo, what’s wrong?” he asked mentally face palming for asking such a stupid question. “He can’t take Googie he just can’t,” She sobbed. “If he takes Googie away I won’t be able to take it. Googie is my everything.” She looked up at him with her eyes filled with tears. Her face showing how desperate she was to keep her child safe with her.

Taehyung walked towards her holding her hands in his. “He won’t take Googie, you have us and Googie loves you to bits he won’t want to leave you.” He reassured her making Hyejoo look up at him with eyes filled with hope. “really?” she asked wiping her tears to which Taehyung nodded. She hugged Tae her arms wrapped around his neck and Taehyungs hands supported her back so she wouldn’t fall of the sofa and onto him.

“Hyejoo.” He called out after a few minutes of silence. Hyejoo hummed letting go of him so she could see his face. “I don’t think its safe for either of you to stay here. Stay at mine tonight and we can decide something later with Jimin. I’m not taking no for answer.” He spoke out in an authoritative voice, yet it was so caring and Hyejoo nodded ready to go pack a few clothes for tonight.

“I’ll clean up and help pack for Googie.” He spoke getting a dustpan and shovel. He gave Jimin a text informing him what had happened, before going to Googies room to help Hyejoo pack. Hyejoo was mainly done so he began to take the bags to the car, coming back for Googie who had fallen asleep as Hyejoo made sure all taps and lights were turned off. With that Taehyung took them to his apartment, Hyejoo thankful she had met Tae.

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