| Three |

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Hyejoo had tucked Jungkook in his room having to stay with him a while as Googie began to stir, while Jimin sprawled out on her couch eating the sandwich she had made him listening to her rant now

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Hyejoo had tucked Jungkook in his room having to stay with him a while as Googie began to stir, while Jimin sprawled out on her couch eating the sandwich she had made him listening to her rant now. Hyejoo wasn’t much of a complainer she hated  the feeling of being burden, but she trusted Jimin as he had been through it all with her.

The night she knew she would be raising the unborn child in her womb alone, she was scared, the thoughts of not being a good enough mother haunted her, yet Jimin reassured her and sacrificed every moment he had to support her. Hyejoo had always been thankful for Jimin and looked up at him despite teasing him about his short height.

"Chim I'm telling you he is out to make me suffer." She huffed as she spread the base along the tray. Jimin only hummed too focused on the sandwich she had made him, savouring every bite. She noticed this from the kitchen counter, frowning. "Chim you better be listening to me or I won't hesitate to beat you up!" she shouted making Jimin jolt into reality.

The fresh creme Hyejoo was making, was going to be her weapon. She wiped it on his face and hair as she pounced on his back. "Chu you know this is police assault, I can arrest you." he spoke in a joking manner, small giggles breaking his sentence. Before Hyejoo knew it, she had been tackled, placed on the couch and tickled to death.

The sound of his mother’s giggles along with a more masculine figure which he had grown to love awoke him. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, blinking a few times. He struggled to push aside the thick blanket and ended up slipping off his bed with a slight bang. "Ouchie" he pouted rubbing his bum as he made his way to the living room.

He saw his uncle Chimchim attacking his mother, a usual sight, running back to his room to get his toy Thor hammer. Running back trying not trip on his slippers, he hit Jimin's sides and back with a squeaky pang sound causing him to squeal in a not so manly way out of surprise. He stopped when he realised the sound he just made, Googie looking at him with wide eyes mirroring his mothers. Hyejoo bursted into a fit of laughter, Googie copying her, leaving Jimin embarrassed with flushed cheeks.

"Jimin have you still not gone through puberty?" Hyejoo bursted into another fit of laughter at her own joke. Jungkook copying her once again by exaggerating a laugh, slapping his thigh. That was until Googie realised he hadn't understood the joke. He poked her thigh, asking what puberty was. The laughter dying down leaving Hyejoo unsure how to answer.

It was now Jimin's turn to laugh at Hyejoo's flustered and confused state. Googie still looking up at her with furrowed eyebrows to show his confusion. As fate was on her side to keep her son innocent her timer rang indicating the strawberry shortcake was done. She quickly excused herself making her way to the kitchen as fast as she could leaving a confused Googie and laughing Jimin.


Once again Googie unlike other children was very excited to go to school. He had woken up Hyejoo by jumping on her bed shouting “Mamabun” until she woke up and got out of bed. Hyejoo looked at her son with tired eyes as he ran towards his classroom. She sighed as she tried to catch up to Googie, who was already chatting to Mr Kim.

Taehyung was kneeling down to help Googie take off his jacket, as he still had trouble with that. Hyejoo smiled at how Taehyung looked like a father towards Googie, and she quickly shook her head reminding herself he was just doing his job. Taehyung saw Hyejoo at the door and smiled, before turning to Jungkook who was tapping his shoulder nonstop for attention.

Unknowingly Hyejoo neatened out her bangs making her way towards them. “Babybun don’t trouble Mr Kim he is busy,” Hyejoo spoke to which Jungkook frowned, he liked Mr Kim; even though he didn’t know him for long Mr Kim was a caring male figure he was missing. “Don’t worry about it.” Taehyung smiled his boxy like smile wiping the dust off his plaid trousers as he got up. His trousers consisted of black and white squares, along with a black turtleneck.

Noticing how Hyejoo kept looking at her watch he assured her to leave, reassuring her he would help Googie out. After giving Googie a kiss, she hurriedly left the building to get to the bus stop. Taehyung watched her run out with an unknowing smile, only to realise Googie had been calling him. Googie pouted as his arms were stuck to the straps of his backpack as he had attempted to remove it, to which Mr Kim helped him with a slight chuckle.

She had just got to the bus stop on time, thanking the driver she made her way to stand at the side due to there being no space. Taking out her phone she made sure to message the women next door who also happened to babysit Googie.

She was an elderly woman in her 70’s whose children forgot to visit. When Hyejoo had moved in she made sure to help and give advice just like a mother would, acting like a grandmother to Kook. With that she put her phone back in her side bag pulling out her lanyard as the bus came to her stop.

Hoping off the bus she made her way towards the tall building at a steady pace as she wasn’t running late. She smiled at the receptionist as she signed in making her way to the lift which was way too crowded. It must have been her lucky day as she saw her oh so wonderful boss, Jung Daehyun. As he saw her, he gave her one of his sickeningly fake smiles to which Hyejoo mirrored. “Sorry for telling you so last minute about your extra shift,” he spoke attempting to sound apologetic his minty breath touching her skin, due to the proximity.  The lift bell rang indicating a stop and she used that as an excuse to get further away. “No worries.” She spoke turning her head to the other side rolling her eyes.

The lift ride continued in anything but silence as Daehyun kept trying to small talk with Hyejoo. When the lift finally got to their floor she swiftly walked out towards her desk, greeting people along the way with a sigh. Hanging her bag and coat at the back of her chair, she looked at the pilled work on her desk giving a glare at Daehyuns back as he walked past.  He had seen her glare, a smirk on his face as people bowed towards him on his way towards his office. The pile of papers had a small orange sticky note at the top, “please organise and come give by three.” Dramatically she dropped her head on the small bit of table which wasn’t covered with papers, wishing she had called in sick.

It was already twelve and instead of going to the break room to eat she pulled out her lunch and ate at her desk still working. She had not even organised half the pile, and she had to make sure she was finished in time to pick Googie up. A Pepsi can which was placed in front of her face startled her as she began choke on her pasta. “Take a break.” Minho spoke as he patted her back.

She popped open the can shaking her head as she continued to organise the papers on her desk. Minho not having being ignored took the papers out her hands, pushing her chair away. She rolled away, eyes wide as she grabbed onto the nearby desk to stop. She stood up stomping her feet as she dragged her chair back attempting to master her angry face, to which they both laughed.

Lee Minho, a work colleague who hated Daehyun as much as her due to personal reasons which even Hyejoo didn’t know. Minho knew that Hyejoo was a single mum and most likely would be a target of their boss therefore helping her out as much as possible with Daehyuns cocky attitude. Hyejoo was always grateful when Minho would stay behind extra hours just so she could finish on time and spend time with her son. Just like today Minho stayed back and extra hour just so Hyejoo would get the paperwork done before three.

The clock had just struck two and both Hyejoo and Minho fell back on their chairs sighing in relief. Thanks to Minho’s help Hyejoo managed to miraculously finish before the time specified, therefore having more time to pick Googie up. Carrying two boxes of chronologically ordered papers as requested she made her way to Daehyuns office.

His assistant opening the door for her, as she made her way in only the top of her head visible. As she placed the two boxes down in the middle of his desk with a cheeky smile, something that Googie would do when he was caught doing something he shouldn’t, the look on Daehyuns face was priceless.

“Since I finished a little earlier, I’ll take my break a little quicker, thanks,” and with that she walked out with a light hair flip. Daehyun unable to say thing as he was on call with a very important business partner. 

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