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That night as Jin lectured his parents, Taehyung joined Hyejoo and Googie in their room to watch a movie

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That night as Jin lectured his parents, Taehyung joined Hyejoo and Googie in their room to watch a movie. Hyejoo sat in the corner of the bed, Googie squished between the two. Taehyung had put on one of his old Tom and jerry dvd’s which he found and Googie laughed at the cat and mouse duo.  Taehyung wrapped one of his arms around Hyejoo’s shoulder, the latter using his arm as a headrest. Googie hugged the plushie he had bought with him as the three sat cuddled under a blanket, like they often did in their home.

“Hyejoo, dear have you seen Tae.” Mrs Kim Tae knocked on the door. When she had the permission to enter, she saw her son cuddled in a blanket with Hyejoo and Googie. She smiled at her son at the adoration he had for this child, ignoring the spark she saw between the two adults. She gestured for her son to come out so the two could talk. Taehyung slid out the blanket telling Googie he would be back soon who complained that the elder would miss part of the movie. Hyejoo shaking her head as a no at her son.

Mrs Kim dragged her son to her husbands office where Mr Kim was waiting. Taehyung sat opposite them his brother sitting beside him. “Son, we are sorry about pushing you to do something you don’t want to. Jin is right your job makes you higher than business ever did.” Mr Kim apologised looking up to look at his son rather embarrassed. “It’s okay.” Taehyung mumbled his lips slightly pouted like he did as a child when he didn’t want to gloat.

The four continued to talk as the maid bought in some tea. “Dear it seems our son Taehyung will be marrying before Jin.” She laughed making Taehyungs eyes widen at the realisation they had been caught. “Mum!” he exclaimed slightly embarrassed running out the room to Hyejoo and Googie. Mr Kim laughed at his sons flustered state saying how he was a more confident man with women making Mrs Kim scoff and Jin leave the room faster than he had ever done before his parents started flirting with one another.

When Taehyung entered the room Googie was already asleep. “He is mad at you for missing the movie.” She pointed to her son who had pouted lips from his little tantrum before he fell asleep. Taehyung chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his neck thinking of a way to explain to the child and earn his forgiveness. He stood awkwardly by the bed wondering if he should stay or not. “Do you wanna watch friends with me.” She smiled opening the blanket for him to join her which he happily did this time he cuddled her more freely.


The next day Googie was infact mad at Taehyung, as he walked downstairs with his mother, clutching onto her gown as he followed behind, he stopped after seeing Tae smile at him from the living room couch. He let go of his mothers gown and looked back at Tae with a blank expression, “I’m angry at you,” his pronunciation of ‘R’ not evident enough making it sound like he said ‘angy’. With that Googie ran to catch up with his mother who was at the dining table as the maids served breakfast.

Taehyung chuckled at Googie as he pretended to ignore the elder man. He smiled at Hyejoo before proceeding with his plan. “Hyejoo I was gonna take you and Googie to the arcade which I loved as a child but since he is mad at me…” he trailed off making Googie look at him as he was deep in thought about what to do. “I’m not mad taetae.” He smiled innocently at the elder before stabbing his pancake and taking a huge bite. Hyejoo laughed as she wiped off the maple syrup that dripped down the edge of his lips, his cheeks puffed and stuffed with pancake.

Googie got dressed quickly wearing his blue jeans with a black tee and flannel shirt which he picked out himself. Hyejoo got dressed herself quickly knowing her son would start complaining, instead he sat patiently on the bed telling her how beautiful she looked when she was finished. He got his backpack just in case he found any more plushies he wanted to bring home and went to knock on Taehyungs door to see if he was ready.

Taehyung suggested walking since it wasn’t far and Googie took out his little camera taking pictures of the trees and shops. When he saw the bright sign of the Arcade, he gasped in aww snapping a picture and running to the door. Inside the arcade consisted of old games Hyejoo and Taehyung had in their time, bright neon lights brightening up the place which had black painted walls. Googie held onto Hyejoo’s hands not knowing where to start as the games looked unfamiliar with him.

Taehyung smiled taking out his hand for the younger to hold as he took him to the Pac-man machine. He told the little one the rules showing him how to play. Googie did well who was held up by Taehyung too reach the controllers. The owner noticing this brough over a chair for the younger to sit on making Googie exceed his previous scores. Hyejoo noticed a gum-ball machine similar to the one outside the arcade she would go to and decided to get some for her and Tae, Googie being too young to have chewing gum. She turned the gold knob and out came a red ball, doing the same again to get Taehyungs.

Googie watched his mother twist the knobs of the machine wondering what she was doing. He ran up to her scaring her making her drop Taehyungs gumball on the floor. “Googie.” She whined making the younger apologise cupping his face to look far too cute for his mother to not accept his apology. Hyejoo pointed to another gumball machine which dispensed chocolates in little egg containers and gave her son a coin to go get one.

“Mama, I got a green one!” he declared happily catching the attention of the others in the arcade. A few girls awed at him waving at the boy who shyly smiled back before hiding behind his mother. “Googie they find you cute, wave back.” She told her son who hid further behind her. “No, because I like Sarang not them.” He muttered holding onto his mothers dress to keep her in place and keep him hidden. Hyejoo shook her head in laughter at her sons mindset on staying loyal to his crush.

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