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After that day Taehyung and Hyejoo had texted a little more then Googies babysitting dates

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After that day Taehyung and Hyejoo had texted a little more then Googies babysitting dates. Taehyung smiled at his phone which showed the chats of them from yesterday. Taehyung had sent the pictures of Googie from the fair, Hyejoo thanking him she didn’t want to miss any of his memories. Taehyung sighed confused; why he was acting like this it was so unlike him, who even went over old chats. He placed the phone in his drawer shaking his head to remove the memory of the night he dropped Googie off.

The ride up the elevator was awkward but not silent, for Googie who had been tired let out snores. He adjusted further into the arms of his mother his nose twitching at the new scent which he was comfortable with. Taehyung looked at his feet tapping them in a rhythm as he waited for the doors to open. Hyejoo who glanced at him from the side of her eyes wondered if she should start a conversation; her thoughts interrupted when Googie let out a louder snore mumbling a few words in his sleep and then went back to his steady breaths. “I guess he is tired out; it was his first time at a fair.” She smiled at Taehyung. Taehyung looked up smiling at her saying he had fun too and how Googie had wished she was there. Hyejoo nodded and the rest of the ride up was silence.

Taehyung placed the things in her hallway before turning his head to leave. As he got up from his crouched position, he didn’t notice that the door wasn’t exactly behind him but slightly to the side, causing him to bump into the door frame. He mumbled a small swear making Hyejoo chuckle before she bit her lip asking if he was okay. “Yea yea I’m fine.” He played it off trying to maintain his cool, but his head was pounding. “Erm your bleeding.” She pointed to the side of his forehead which must have been scratched by the edge. “Wait here.” She spoke softly as she went to place Googie on the couch and getting the first aid box which was already out due to Googies injuries this week.

Taehyung mentally hit himself how could he be so clumsy in front of her, so embarrassing. She made her way towards him slightly skidding on the freshly cleaned floorboards and passed him a plaster and ointment holding a small mirror for him. While Taehyung cursed himself Hyejoo did the same unsure if what she did was right. “Should I have helped him with his injury no but then he may be like why is this woman touching me his girlfriend might not like it  or his wife… I wonder if he is single.” Her thoughts continued and she squeezed her eyes shut to stop these unnecessary comments in her mind.

Taehyung smiled as he handed her back, the ointment rushing his goodbye as he practically ran out the building. Hyejoo sighed as he left, she probably seemed so unfriendly compared to him, she only had Jimin through her high school years the others leaving her as soon as she was labelled a ‘slut’ for being pregnant. Taehyung who stayed in the carpark for a while to clear his mind before driving home, the thoughts included how sweet she was and well how much of an idiot he made himself look.


Hyejoo noted down important information she made with the business partners who she was in contact with. Not only would she be doing her previous job she was also made to be in contact with other businesses for their project. “Okay I’ll be looking forward to our meeting, we will be in contact; have a good day.” She ended the call with the marketing team from the other company who was rather friendly, but she had to finish her work if she wanted to leave on time. Typing everything onto a final document she sent it to print handing it to Daehyuns assistant.

Making her way back to the desk she looked through previous business deals and projects the company had so she had something to offer during meetings. She had no idea why she was added to the team yes, she had potential but every time she made an input someone would put her down asking her questions she didn’t know how to exactly answer. “Ooh look at you such a dedicated worker.” Minho laughed making her roll her eyes. “What time do you finish?” Hyejoo asked to which Minho held up six fingers before rolling away, due to receiving a glare from Daehyun who happened to walk by.

The two walked out together laughing at how obvious it was that two members of their office were dating. Minho informed Hyejoo how horrible his date from the weekend was as his girlfriend’s father had ended up visiting making their plans go to waste. As Hyejoo was about to part ways Minho promised to drop her off, leaving him confused when he was told to show up at a different apartment building. “Googie has a new babysitter, you can go!” she waved goodbye as he wiggled his eyebrows and drove off.

As she knocked the door she heard the faint sound of Taehyung shout “Wait a minute.” When the door opened she was not expecting to see Taehyung’s hair covered in what seemed like flour which also covered his black t-shirt his mouth widened as he looked at his watch seeing it was time for Googie to be picked up. Embarrassed for a second time he gave off a sheepish smile opening the door to let her in. Googie soon ran towards the door attempting to hug Hyejoo who stopped him seeing him covered in flour as well, Taehyung who rubbed his neck.

“Mama we were baking a cake!” Googie exclaimed making a small ‘aah’ leave Hyejoo’s mouth. She now understood why they were both covered in flour, “Well it doesn’t look like you both were doing it right.” She laughed and Taehyungs cheeks flushed red at her comment. “Mama I told Mr Taetae to listen to me but he never and look.” Taehyung covering Googies mouth with his hand as he laughed off what the younger said. Hyejoo put her bag down, to wish Taehyung raised an eyebrow. “Let’s see the mess you made Ill try fix it.” She smiled to which Taehyung nodded taking her to the kitchen.

Taehyung looked down as Hyejoo looked at the mess they had made. The once spotless white kitchen had butter melted on the worktops, spilt sugar and flour everywhere as tho it had rained from the sky. Hyejoo went closer to look at the mixture using a spoon to taste it a little smiling in satisfaction. “the mixture is fine You should have mixed it with a spoon first, we can make some butter crème to sweeten it.” Hyejoo explained as she used a spoon showing Taehyung how he should have folded the mixture first before using a mixer.  Googie whispered to Taehyung 'I told you so,' before walking off to be his mother’s little helper again. Hyejoo had heard making her laugh and mentally awing at the new name her son used for Mr Kim. Taehyung gasped at his little cocky attitude before taking out the ingredients for the butter cream.

Hyejoo instructed Taehyung what to do so he was able to learn from his mistakes as Googie had said making Taehyung furrow his eyebrows. “…and just like the cake mixture mix with a spoon like I did before.” Hyejoo explained before she went to take the cake out the oven. She then added a few drops of colouring to make the butter crème more ‘fun’. So let the cake cool and you can put the butter cream on,” she explained using a wipe to clean the worktop.

Taehyung tried to stop her, but she insisted saying that Googie was also involved in the mess making. Googie tried to persuade his mother that it was all Taehyung but Hyejoo was not having it making him sit on the stool crossed arms glaring at the floor.  Taehyung stuck out his tongue at Googie making the smaller one gasp pulling on his mothers trousers to tell.

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