| Thirty Three |

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“Finally!” Hyejoo jumped in the air abruptly punching the air with happiness

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“Finally!” Hyejoo jumped in the air abruptly punching the air with happiness. Googie and Tae jumped a little at the sudden noise on their quiet night in. She turned back to see Tae and Googie looking back at her with their eyes wide from shock. “Oh sorry.” She mumbled sitting back down replying to what Jimin had said. She felt stares on her judging stares to be more accurate. The two boys both stared at her waiting for an explanation. “Oh Jimin and Anna are both free so we are having dinner on Friday. Is it okay to do it here Tae?” she made sure to ask seeing as she was only staying here temporarily. “Of course; you don’t have to ask this is your house too.” He reminded her.

When Friday finally arrived Hyejoo prepared some of Annas favourite food; this had earned Jimin to whine over call. He had asked why she wouldn’t make his favourite food Hyejoo replying in a cocky manner, “You love everything I cook,” and with that she ended the call. It was just around half six and the food was almost done, the spaghetti was yet to be boiled when Anna and Jimin arrive. Hyejoo dusted her dress making her way to the door with Tae and Googie looking like a family as they opened the door. Jimin and Anna tried to hold back a laugh as one of their conversations had involved Jimin ranting over how cute Tae and Hyejoo were but too pussy to go further.

Hyejoo and Tae greeted the couple and welcomed them in waiting for Googie to say hello. “Hello uncle Jimin Hello baby.” he smiled at Anna who smiled back a little flustered at what the child had called her. Yet it was ever so adorable so she smiled back bending down to give him a hug. “Oi who you calling baby.” Jimin poked the child with a pout. “Is that not her nickname?” he asked a little confused at why his uncle was poking him, he had her call her that over the phone numerous times. “No that’s my name for her you call her auntie Anna okay.” He replied rolling his eyes and Tae and Hyejoo bit their lips to stop laughing at Jimin’s jealous antics.

The dinner went by smoothly, Anna saying she wanted to be able to cook as well as her, Hyejoo pleased Anna had enjoyed her food so much. Anna helped Hyejoo clean up and the two instantly clicked, like two long lost friends meeting after a long time. Anna was infact older than Hyejoo by a few months but looking at the two you couldn’t tell. Hyejoo found Anna beautiful inside and out her short black hair and brown eyes made her soft feature bold and she was just as sweet as she looked; she was perfect for Jimin. Meanwhile Taehyung and Jimin had their own discussions as Googie played with his toys in the corner of the room.

As the four adults sat in the living room hot drinks in their hands Googie couldn’t help but watch the cute couple that was his uncle and new auntie. Jimin had his arm around Anna’s shoulder as she leaned into his touch. Occasionally Googie saw Jimin squeeze her shoulder and give her a peck on her cheek making Anna smile widen and her cheeks turn a little rosy. Googie twinkled at the cute couple he wanted to grow up and be just like that with Sarang.

When the couple decided to go home Hyejoo fell back onto the couch, it had been a long day. Googie looked back at his mother and then at Taehyung looking between the two for a while. “Mama I need to talk to Taetae privately, could you please leave.” He smiled at her innocently waiting for her to get up and leave. Hyejoo was shocked and wanted to know what they both so importantly had to discuss and went to the kitchen so she could eavesdrop.

“Taetae. I really like Sarang and I don’t know what to do.” He pouted as he stroked the floor with his foot shyly. Taehyung looked back at the flustered child and froze for a minute not knowing what to say. “Well if you really like her, you should be yourself. I’m sure she will like you back and well if she doesn’t there is nothing wrong with that. Taehyung realised he had rambled on and that Googie may not understand the concept of unrequited love. However, Googie was a  smart child and he knew that his mother had loved a man which was his father, his father not loving her enough. “What I mean is, be yourself and do everything you can to make her happy.” Taehyung told the child who listened intently , nodding every so often.

Hyejoo who was eavesdropping had to cup her mouth to stop from awing loudly. She didn’t know if her son shyly confessing his crush to Tae or Tae’s advice was cuter. She couldn’t deny that Tae as everything she had wished Hajoon was during high school, of course at the time she had thought she would fine someone and that would be all. Taehyung was everything she wanted everything she needed in a partner but the worry of ruining what they had as well letting that affect his relationship with her child stopped her from taking it further. 

As she heard little feet tap against the floor she ran to the sink pretending to wash the glass in her hands. “Mama, I’m ready for bed now.” He told his mother who nodded and followed him to the bedroom. She helped Googie get changed and brush his teeth doing the same and join him in their bed. “Googie what did you talk about with Tae?” she asked wondering when her son would admit to his her, he liked a girl. “Very soon mama.” He kissed her cheek before snuggling into her embrace. Hyejoo nodded and held her son tight as they both fell asleep.

I feel like my writting has just become cringe :(

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