| Forty Two |

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Everyone followed Anna’s plan accordingly, Taehyung had informed the staff of Googies situation telling them to call him if Googies father ever appeared

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Everyone followed Anna’s plan accordingly, Taehyung had informed the staff of Googies situation telling them to call him if Googies father ever appeared. The man had not come to visit his son, to him it was unnecessary thinking he would win the case not realising who Hyejoo’s lawyer was. Hyejoo spent a lot of her time with Anna, joining her at her office when possible. Jin after hearing the issue gave Hyejoo the permission to leave and join Anna in finding evidence, Anna saying that it wasn’t necessary, and they could rely on her. Jimin on the other hand was struggling to find some information on Hajoon and asked his friend to see if he could dig up anything.

Hyejoo smiled at the receptionist before making her way to Anna’ office. As she came frequently the workers of the building had recognised Hyejoo. She knocked on the door opening it seeing Anna stuffing her mouth with a sandwich as she skimmed through papers. Anna pointed to the chair opposite her desk, moving her stuff to the side so she could discuss with Hyejoo. “Right, so I was thinking narrate me the story on why you left Hajoon, so we can perfect the statement before you get interviewed and recorded. Anna spoke having her notebook ready to make notes.

Hyejoo narrated the story while maintaining her calm and Anna nodded. “Right, you need to add in the finer detail so your statement is more believable, and they can’t ask you questions to attempt and prove you wrong, such as who were the people there or which hospital prove your alibi. Meanwhile I will check the hospital for this record as well as discuss with the doctors and nurse who were in charge of you.” Anna informed her trying to explain things as well as possible as Hyejoo nodded understandingly.

Anna proceeded to ask her questions which strengthened her statement as well as made a reminder to check out the hospital and the doctor. The two began to mock-up her statement so Hyejoo would be prepared intime of for the interview where she would be recorded. Anna suggested on adding how the two had begun their relationship as well as how they started living together therefore adding how her parents had thrown her keeping the detail to bare minimum there, proving Hyejoo wasn’t the type of woman people accused her to be. They had manged to get the first part of Hyejoo’s statement nailed leaving the rest for the days to come seeing as Hyejoo had to get back to work not wanting to take advantage of the help Jin gave her.

Meanwhile Jimin called his friend hoping he had found some dirt seeing as though a week had already passed. “Did you find anything.” Jimin asked covering his phone call from the others around him as an extra precaution, what he was doing wasn’t exactly legal and he could have gotten into trouble looking up a person he had no case involved in. “No unfortunately, he is the son of a CEO so most of his dirt is hidden thanks to money, though I do recall him getting fined for drunk driving and harassment but it was behind the scenes so there is no legal document to prove this.” His friend told him and Jimin sighed not being able to find or gain evidence to help his friend.


The four adults sat around the coffee table at Taehyungs place, as Hyejoo placed the coffee at the side not wanting to have an accident and ruin the papers. Hyejoo had finished her part of the case, such as recording her statement  Anna taking extra time in preparing her with questions Hajoon’s lawyer may ask her. The court date was getting closer only a few weeks left and Hyejoo grew nervous by the day, yet Googie had no idea about the case going on over who would have custody over him. The said child was over at sarang's house having a play date enjoying the company of his crush.

“Right we have the evidence to prove that Hajoon tried to kill Googie whilst you were pregnant, I have printed and made a copy of the medical records as well as talked to the doctor. He remembered you and even offered to write a statement which will be recorded next week. However, I didn’t want to tell you before because I didn’t want to worry you, but since this occurred while Googie was a fetus we cannot charge him for murder, so we need more evidence to prove that he is a risk to Googie.” Anna stated hesitantly. Taehyung held onto Hyejoo’s hand rubbing his thumb in a circular motion against her, but she looked up at him and smiled. Over the past month Hyejoo had become stronger, trying to focus on the positives hoping they would win the case. She knew they would find something for Hajoon was not an innocent man.

Jimin sat opposite Hyejoo rubbing his forehead, he had an extinct that they were forgetting something vital. He closed his eyes trying to think over the many things Hajoon had done to them which made him hate the older. “Baby, can’t we use Hajoon trashing her place to charge him for trespassing and vandalism.” Jimin asked his girlfriend who clapped her hands in joy giving him a peck on the lips. “Yes, your so smart Chim, we can get witness statements since you didn’t file it to the police explaining why.” Anna noted down remembering to go back to Hyejoo’s old place to ask her neighbours. Taehyung had already started writing what he remembered from the day so Anna could go over it and strengthen him being an alibi as well as informed her what day he was free to come give his statement.

“Now we just need to inform Googie, having him say what happened as well as justifying it to the judge due to his age will strengthen our charge.” Anna told Hyejoo patting her on the back as she left. Hyejoo only nodded waiting for her child to return home so she could tell him.

Googie had taken it rather well, scowling when he heard what his so-called father had done. Googie had promised he would stay with Hyejoo forever giving her a tight hug.

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