| Five |

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It had barely been over an hour and Hyejoo wished she could be at home with Googie

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It had barely been over an hour and Hyejoo wished she could be at home with Googie. She stared at her screen glaring at the person who had emailed her; Jung Daehyun. He had informed her she would be partaking in a meeting to promote their new products. She didn’t understand why, yes, she was good at her job but lacking the degrees she couldn’t get due to being pregnant with Googie was always a boulder in her path. Her supervisor said that the meeting would be starting in half an hour or so and that she should quickly finish up what she was doing. A few of her colleagues waved her good-bye and she smiled at them wishing them a good evening, unique hers.

She had just finish filling previous advertisements the company had used and it was time for the meeting to start. Grabbing her planner, notebook and a pen she followed her supervisors up to the meeting room. As she entered the room, she was offered tea and coffee to which she chose coffee not wanting to fall asleep. She thanked the woman and made her way to the large glossed wooden table, black chairs surrounding it. She looked for her name tag and sat down, looking at the clock hoping the meeting would start and finish on time. Her supervisor was beside her on the right and someone from another department on the left, she bowed her head slightly as he sat down.

Soon Daehyun had walked in everyone standing up to greet him. He smiled a smile too innocent for him as he made his way to his seat, his assistant following behind. “Right let’s begin.” he clasped his hand waiting for the projector to start working. The meeting had gone on for an hour so, Hyejoo hoping for the next two hours to pass by. “So, these are the products we will be selling in stores for young children who take lunches.” He turned to face the door a trolly of food appearing. They were all made to taste the different meals and snacks provided picking which would be best to give as testers to the public.

Soon Daehyuns assistant walked in again apologising for disturbing and turned to face Hyejoo. “The hospital just called you need to go now, they tried calling your mobile, but no one was answering." Hyejoo turned pale hearing the message. The worst-case scenarios coming to her mind as she picked up her stuff. What if Googie was hurt? What if he got into an accident? What if she lost him? Her mind was hazy as she tried to make her way to the door. “Did I give you permission to leave?” Daehyuns voice spoke as she put her hand on the door handle making her stop. She knew he was out to get her but stopping her when there was an emergency was just so low; she couldn’t rebel either she couldn’t risk losing her job and so she retracted her hand from the handle. The others in the room looked awkwardly between their boss and Hyejoo, was he seriously going to stop her? When he noticed the stares, he faked a laugh, “Oh my god you thought I was serious, Go Go!” he spoke faking his kindness the words coming out his mouth hesitantly.


Hyejoo ran out the building, scanning her card saying showing she had left. She looked at the time and the bus wouldn’t come for another half hour, so she decided to take a taxi. She didn’t like taking them they were against her budget but for emergencies like this she sat in the car with a total stranger. Before the driver could ask, she told him which hospital pleading if he could hurry a little. He speeded a little more than he would usually do, seeing the panicked lady. She quickly gave him the cash telling him to keep the change pushing her purse in her side bag as she made her way to the entrance. As she ran to the front desk, she avoided bumping into people, waiting for the person in front of her to finish tapping her feet against the tiles in anticipation.

When it was her turn, she smiled at the receptionist, telling her what had happened. The receptionist typing into the computer to check, “Ah yes we called you for being an emergency contact for Lee Seomin. She fainted in the park and was bought here. She is on floor C, ward 10 room 304, the doctor will inform you more.” Hyejoo sighed in relief thanking the receptionist and going to the said room. She was still worried for the said women Seomin, or Aunt mini as she said but the fact she knew Googie was safe gave her a sense of peace again. She found the ward she was looking for pressing the buzzer waiting to be allowed in. A beep sound was heard, and she pulled open the door, looking for room 304. After finding the door, she wiped the sweat off her face with a tissue trying to mask her worry and with that she knocked on the door lightly.

It was around half five and Taehyung thought he should stop by the park on his way home after meeting up with some friends. After having a long day like this, where he had a mother complain about her son getting paint on his t-shirt when it really wasn’t his fault, he would go relax at the park. The leaves crunched beneath his shoes as he made his way to bench, he usually sat at. The bench was old staring to turn from brown to black due to the amount of rainfall it had dealt with, the Oak tree it lay under not protecting it from the harsh winter weathers of previous years.

As he got closer to his bench, he noticed commotion coming from not so far off. A small, panicked crowd had gathered around something or rather someone. Instead of giving space they were gathered close with their phones out recording it like cameramen. As he went closer in case someone had got hurt, he saw a small figure in the centre looking up in fear as he crouched down next to the unconscious one beside him. It was Googie. “Nana Minnie, please wake up I’m scared.” He sobbed attempting to shake the body beside him, but it was no use. Googie realising this covered his face in his hands the tears dripping out his palm. Googie was scared. 

Seeing Googie crying broke his heart, while the other adults around him continued to video the scene. He ran to the crowd shoving everyone aside, to get to Googie who was still hiding his face, the women beside him looking pale and weak. “Googie.” He called out crouching beside him, arms open ready to embrace him. Googie looked up his big doe eyes covered in his tears which continued to spill. “Mr Kim.” He mumbled making his way into the warm embrace, stumbling a little on a twig as he couldn’t see cause of the tears in his eyes. Mr Kim quickly wrapped his arms the child, stroking his back and neck. He rocked Googie in his arms who sat on his lap still whimpering, the tears from his eyes still falling. “I’m scared.” He mumbled hiding his face deep into Taehyungs chest as he felt the eyes of strangers on him.

“If you aren’t going to help, please leave.” His voice harsh to the people flashing cameras in his face. His eyes clearly showing he was furious, and the crowd began to disperse. A slightly older women informed him she had called an ambulance and that it would be going soon, shaking her head at the now gone crowd.  The ambulance soon came Taehyung saying he would follow behind carrying Googie to the car, who looked at his nana who was being pulled into the ambulance. He placed Googie in the seat beside him helping him with his seatbelt and wrapping him in his large shawl. Googie was silent the whole ride playing with his fingers in worry.

She unlocked the door to be met with Aunt Minnie laying on the hospital bed, pale with wires injected into her fragile body. Googie was sat on Taehyungs lap on one of the side chairs sadly looking at the floor. He let go of Googie when he saw Hyejoo enter allowing Googie to run into her arms. He ran dragging Taehyungs shawl on the floor which was still wrapped around him. Hyejoo pulled him into a hug as he muttered “I, I don’t know, she just fell I was so scared.” Tears welling up in his eyes again as he recalled the incident. “Shh its okay,” she hushed him picking him up taking a seat beside Taehyung. She stroked his head something he found comforting as he nuzzled his face into her neck, his small hands wrapping round them. “I’ll call the doctor.” Taehyung told her, Hyejoo giving him a meaningful smile as a reply as she wiped Googie’s tears.

Soon Taehyung came with a doctor, who introduced himself, Hyejoo bowing her head not able to move because of Googie who clung to her. “I’m Doctor Choi, and I’ll be looking after Ms Lee. There is nothing too serious to worry about she just fainted due to her high blood pressure which also caused some bruising. She will be staying here a week or so until everything is controlled. Any questions?” he spoke every word carefully and calmly something which helped patients’ families calm down. She shook her head and thanked him, and he left.

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