| Fourteen |

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The doorbell rang continuously through the apartment which was left untouched from last night

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The doorbell rang continuously through the apartment which was left untouched from last night. Everything in place except for the random plushie on one of the sofas despite Hyejoo being high maintenance. Soft snores filled Hyejoo’s room, Googie the snorer held onto his mother hiding his face into her neck, Hyejoo on the other hand had her arms wrapped protectively around Googie.

Hyejoo groaned using one of her arms to cover her ears the other pulling Googie towards her as though to protect him from the sound. The doorbell continued to ring not looking like it would come to an end she pulled out from the youngers clutch who seemed to stir a little, so she did what she always did, and handed him one of her shirts; the scent of his mother calming him so he could continue to sleep peacefully.

With her eyes half open she made her way to the door slightly grumpy to whoever had come so damn early. She pulled her robe closer to herself feeling cold because she had just woken up. “What took you so long – wait did you just wake up, you never wake up at 11!” Jimin’s exclaimed his voice filling the hall as soon as the door opened.

Hyejoo on the other hand was now awake in shock at Jimin informing her the time. She left Jimin at the door rushing to the kitchen to now prepare what would be called brunch waving her arms in the air frantically when Jimin asked why she woke up late. After spending the day with Taehyung and Googie yesterday she had been drained from energy, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Placing the sausages in the grill for them including Jimin, she ran to her room waking up the tired boy. Googie held onto her robe and followed her out eventually having the robe slip from his grasp because of Hyejoo’s fast pace so made his way slowly to the couch Jimin sat on. Jimin looked at the two tired souls wondering why they were in this state; they were usually full of energy because it was Saturday also known as Jimin day in which Jimin would come over and spend time with Googie while Hyejoo would do a few extra chores before spending time with the both of them.


“…and then mama-bun had to come to arcade as well, isn’t that amazing uncle Chim.” Googie beamed at the older man his orbs widening showing his happiness. “Wait chu you actually went?” Jimin asked the surprise evident in his voice. Hyejoo hummed a ‘yea’ being too focused in cleaning the stove. Yet she could still feel Jimin’s stares, he was confused at the small changes evident in Hyejoo. Hyejoo hadn’t stepped foot in an arcade since she had left high school or gone out in general other than with himself or Googie because she just didn’t have the time. If she wasn’t working or looking after Googie she was doing household chores.

A few hours had passed and Googie didn’t stop telling Jimin the stories from his day out yesterday. Meanwhile Hyejoo had just finished cleaning, finding a place for all the plushies in their home becoming a mission. She plopped on to the couch with a sigh of exhaustion, Googie jumping of his armchair and running to sit beside her. He continued to praise Tae, Jimin listening  abit of jealousy filling his heart, one phrase making him jump out his seat in denial, “I want to grow up and be a teacher just like Mr Kim.”

“You said you were going to be a police officer like me.” Jimin argued his voice going slightly squealing. “I am, I’m going to be both, and I will be the best right mama?” he looked up to his mother. Hyejoo nodding stroking his head with fondness. Jimin scoffed ready to tell him how he couldn’t be both, Hyejoo giving him a glare, so he quietly slid into his seat. 

Since Hyejoo was exhausted they decided to stay in watching Ironman obviously picked by Googie, Jimin ordering pepperoni pizza and fries, Hyejoo’s favourite since he had known her. As they waited for the pizza Googie got into his pyjamas, cuddling up to his mother in a fluffy blanket. The movie played and the three sat in silence mainly due to tiredness, meanwhile Jimin was curious. Who was this Taehyung? Not because he was jealous about Googie mentioning him nonstop but Hyejoo had actually gone out, normally Jimin would have to persuade her how her housework could be done later.

Eventually the sound of heavy breathing came from Hyejoo’s lap. Hyejoo looked down to see Googie passed out, holding onto her jumper tightly. She stroked his head making the younger smile in his sleep, Hyejoo doing the same. Jimin watched Hyejoo with a look of endearment, she was happiest with Googie. He will never forget her tears on the day Googies father had abandoned her, already disowned by her parents she turned to him, staying strong for her unborn child and when Googie was born her happiness was bought back. 

“So…” Jimin turned off the Tv turning to Hyejoo for the ‘tea’. Hyejoo just furrowed her eyebrows looking at him oblivious. “This Mr Kim, may I say he has worked some wonders.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her only to receive a look of disgust. Instead she got up rocking Googie in her arms slightly and putting him into bed telling Jimin she didn’t want to speak of this, not at the moment anyway. Jimin slightly disappointed made his way to Googies room to sleep feeling too lazy to drive home and to get pancakes for breakfast tomorrow.

Small chapter sorry :(
But I mean we got jimin time so.
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