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Taehyung gave death glares to the back of the repairman who was just doing his job

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Taehyung gave death glares to the back of the repairman who was just doing his job. Taehyung tapped his foot against the floor impatiently looking at the text Hyejoo sent him. “Googies 5th birthday – Saturday October 22nd 12:00.”

It was already half twelve because of the repairman who came late. He was supposed to come at half 10 leaving enough time for Tae to get to Googies party early to help set up, but God had other plans. The repairman hadn’t arrived, so Taehyung decided to leave as soon as he was ready to leave the repairman showed up. The landlord saying it must be fixed immediately leaving Tae no other choice but to stay.

Meanwhile Jimin had to deal with the ocd freak Hyejoo was. Whenever Googies birthday came around Hyejoo would try her utmost best, to make this day as amazing as possible for him. Hyejoo set up the small picnic table where the children would eat, filled with small triangle cut sandwiches, nachos which be heated later and juice boxes. She turned around to see Jimin getting from the ladder thinking he had done a good job.

“Jimin what have you done, the banner looks like it was sprayed on the wall, it’s supposed to flow!” She shrieked making Jimin avoid eye contact, looking down at his slippers. Jimin was pretty sure even Googie heard his mother shouting from Aunt Minnie’s apartment next door. Jimin was then sent to blow up the balloons as Hyejoo fixed the banner murmuring not so quietly how Jimin was useless.

Aunt Minnie guided Googie into the apartment the younger covering his eyes with his palms, ready for a surprise. As he removed his palms, he jumped in happiness at the way the room was decorated for his birthday, baby blue and yellow balloon decorating the walls, the banner which hung above the Tv bright surrounded by his favourite characters. He ran into his mother’s embrace, kissing her cheeks as a thank you doing the same to Jimin.

Eventually most of Googies friends came, wishing him a happy birthday and placing his gift on the table Hyejoo placed. Sarang came a little later, apologising to Googie saying she wanted to wear her baby blue hair ribbons since it was his favourite colour. Googie blushed as she said so, making Hyejoo and Jimin squeal in the kitchen.

Half an hour had passed and now nearly everyone was here, except Tae making Googie pout. “Mama is taetae coming?” he looked at her with eyes of hope, Hyejoo said he was running a little late not knowing where Taehyung was either. “Let’s starts the games hmm?” Hyejoo smiled, holding her sons hand, and taking him to the living room.

Hyejoo placed the colourful beanbags around the room, explaining the rules before she started the music. The children nodded eagerly, waiting for Hyejoo to start the music. The song began to play, and the children danced around eyeing the chair they would rush to. Jimin slyly took out two beanbags and Hyejoo turned off the music. The children scurried to sit down, the two slowest children out.

The music started again, this time Jimin removed three beanbags with the assistance of the losing children. The cycle continued leaving two of Googies school friends, Hyung won and Junseo. Hyung won being taller seemed to have an advantage because of his long legs, however Junseo was very athletic, running towards the last beanbag and sitting on it successfully. Googie cheered for his friend before asking his mother where Taehyung was again.

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