| Twenty One |

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Googie woke up mad at Hyejoo, turning his head whenever she tried to speak to him, yet he still clung to her gown as she walked to the kitchen

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Googie woke up mad at Hyejoo, turning his head whenever she tried to speak to him, yet he still clung to her gown as she walked to the kitchen. Hyejoo made Googies favourite breakfast, toast with Nutella and banana, Googie turning his head to bite his lip to prevent his smile from showing his happiness. “Googie I know your smiling.” She giggled making Googie cry in defeat.

“Mama is sorry for coming late last night okay.” She pouted her lips until they met Googies cheek. Googie nodded continuing to eat his breakfast, his cheeks puffing up as he continued to stuff them with food. Hyejoo then packed Googie some baked goods he could share with Taehyung. In this way she gained her sons forgiveness before having a busy day at work.

Hyejoo ran around the office, preparing the contents she would need for the meeting. Jin had called a last-minute meeting since he would be returning to the office, apologising to everyone in advance. Aria’s desk was a mess making her panic, so Hyejoo helped her organise her folders, putting them in chronological order.

Hyejoo then quickly collected her papers which were covered by sticky notes, running into the office room just in time. When she entered the meeting room she noticed there were nameplates indicating where to sit. “Hyejoo you over here love.” Aria called over to the seat beside hers. Hyejoo tilted her head slightly, confused as to why she was sitting with the other supervisors. All would be revealed later.

“Right, I like to do things a little different compared to Daehyun. The first thing Id like to announce is that Miss Jeon will now be in charge of this project.” Jin spoke calmly looking at the little notes he made on his papers to make sure he wouldn’t forget anything. “Huh! me?” Hyejoo’s little outburst made the others giggle, as she pointed to herself mouth open in shock forming an ‘o’. “Yes, miss jeon you are the one who proposed the idea.” He spoke side eyeing her as his glasses fell down the bridge of his nose a little. Hyejoo nodded and the meeting continued, everybody asking for her opinion on different matters.

Hyejoo sat at her desk, noting down the changes to her project. Every once in a while, others came to ask her questions, making her feel a little overwhelmed when she never understood the technical terms, everyone was nice enough to explain to her. “Joo, Mr Kim is calling you.”

Aria poked her head over Hyejoo’s desk before heading out the office for her lunch break. Hyejoo was nervous, plying with her fingers as she waited for Mr Kim to say, “come in.” When he did her heart began to beat faster, yet she didn’t know why she was nervous. As she walked in Mr Kim gave her a genuine smile, to which she returned awkwardly as she sat in the black chair in front of him.

“So miss Jeon, let me cut it short. I want to give you a raise, your work is of a high standard despite the lack of qualifications. I don’t think that should come in your way. Your wage will also increase by the next payslip. Is that okay?” he asked seeing her gaping at the floor like a fish, her pupils larger than usual like she was bit by a snake. “Thankyou! Thankyou!” she repeated all of a sudden, after pinching herself  to make sure it wasn’t a dream.

Jin laughed telling her she could leave, to which she ran out ready to text Jimin to come over as she had news. She already had the evening planned, she would inform the two she had been promoted by cooking one of her specialties.  She couldn’t help but feel giddy hearing the news, she would be able to give Googie a better upbringing like she had always wanted to.  But in reality Googie was content as long as he had his mother.

Later that evening Jimin and Googie watched Hyejoo dance happily by herself in the kitchen as she prepared the dinner. Taehyung had also noticed how happier Hyejoo was, her smile wider then he had ever seen before as she picked her son up. “I think your mama has lost it buddy.” Jimin whispered to Googie who looked at his mother with cupped cheeks. Googie nudged Jimin in the stomach not liking to hear bad things about his mother even when she was acting strange.

The two began to eat their dinner wearily looking at Hyejoo. “So, I got a promotion today.” She spoke casually until Jimin jumped from his seat screaming as he tackled her into a hug. Hyejoo screaming “I Know.” as she hugged her best friend back.

Jimin wiped her tears, Googie looking at the two confused. “Mama what is a promotion? Are you going to die.” The younger spoke tears forming in his eyes as he held out his arms to be comforted by his mothers touch. Jimin snickered only to receive a glare from Hyejoo as she picked up her son wiping the few tears which had fallen. “No bun, it means mama will get more money so that means more better things for Googie.”  She smiled to which the younger cheered as he hugged her back.


A week had passed since the dinner and Googie sat in Taehyungs living room as Tae prepared some snacks for the little one. Googie stared absent mindedly at the television which played Tom and jerry, a frown evident on his lips. Taehyung placed down the plate, but Googie was lost in thought, he called the younger one a few times only to be unheard.

“Googie, is something wrong?” he asked cautiously to which the younger boys lips pouted into a frown further. “I miss mama. Ever since she got her potion she has always been working.” Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows at the word potion used by Googie to later realise he meant promotion, avoiding to correct him since he was already upset.

It had been true ever since Hyejoo had gotten her promotion she had stayed an extra hour at work when she had to, meaning more babysitting for Tae not that he minded. Hyejoo knew Googie loved Tae so he wouldn’t mind that much, so she could get more work done at work to spend more time with Googie during the weekends. But in reality Googie missed his mother dearly, to him it felt like she was staying a lot more at work and less time with him making him upset.

Taehyung lifted the sulking child into his lap, stroking his head as a sign of comfort. “Googie I know you miss your mama, but she wants to work hard for you. You may not understand right now but you will when you get older. Your mama loves you very much, I’m sure she misses you as much as you miss her.” He cooed the last sentence poking Googies cheek who now began to giggle. Googie after having talked with Tae he felt better, knowing his mother worked for him and how excited she had been. Googie going back to his usual self before Hyejoo returned, embracing her as soon as she came to pick him up. The hug being everything she needed after a long day, her sons smiles taking all her worries and regrets away.

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