| Nineteen |

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A few weeks had passed the three barely able to spend time together due to their busy schedules; Hyejoo having to only take care of majority odd jobs despite the project being her idea

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A few weeks had passed the three barely able to spend time together due to their busy schedules; Hyejoo having to only take care of majority odd jobs despite the project being her idea. Yet she did everything full heartedly, knowing that this was the source of her income mainly to provide Googie with the best possible life she could give him.

“Mama.” Googie sighed dropping his head in his arms against the kitchen island. “What is it bun?” Hyejoo asked giving her son her full attention, putting down the knife she was using. “When you’re finished preparing dinner can we use the paint set Taetae got us?” he asked ever so sweetly knowing his mother was tired. “Sure Hun.” She smiled before continuing to prepare the lasagne for the evening. Googie fist bumped the air, sliding off the stool and running into the living room. 

Hyejoo had finished preparing the lasagne getting out a pair of old clothes for herself and Googie in case any paint got on them. The two ended matching with a pair of old grey joggers and white shirt, Googie requesting that they take a picture. Googie pouted his lips to form a kissy face just like his mother used to do during her high school years, after seeing the pictures from Jimin’s album last week. Hyejoo giggled before setting up the canvas on the stand, squeezing different coloured paints onto the wooden palette.

Googie first wanted to draw a scenery of a park, Hyejoo guiding him with her rusted art skills. Googie picked the colours and began to draw on the canvas, Hyejoo helping him by guiding his hands. He painted the sky blue, slightly struggling so Hyejoo gave the idea of using a small sponge to spread the paint across the top.

He left a small blank space in the top left corner to draw the sun, with a smiley face. Using another sponge, he painted the green grass, Hyejoo getting a darker shade adding streaks to make it look more realistic; Googie exclaiming how talented she was.  They finished off by adding little bees and butterflies which flew across the canvas, letting it dry by the window.

Hyejoo then told Googie about handprint art, Googie nodding in excitement. So Hyejoo prepared some wipes and old towels so they could clean their hands. Googie picked out the colour yellow for himself and a light blue for his mother, she squeezed out the contents on to a palette, using a brush to paint her hand, Googie copying her steps.

Hyejoo showed the best way to print their hands onto the canvas, Googie pointing when his didn’t turn out as well as his mothers. Hyejoo however told him he was doing well, and the youngers smile was back. They continued to do this with other colours filling up majority of the white blank space.

There was a knock on the door, so Hyejoo rushed to clean the paint off her hands screaming “Wait a minute!” to whoever was at the door. Taehyung did not expect to see Hyejoo in clothes splattered with paint, her hair tied into a high ponytail. Hyejoo flushed a little red, Taehyung hadn’t seen her like this before.

“We were painting.” She trailed off Taehyung chuckling pointing to the stains on her clothes saying he noticed. “Oh, If you were both free I was going to ask if you wanted to go to the park?” Taehyung regretting coming over, he should have called first. “Oh, well you can join us you are the expert.” She laughed.

Taehyung looked down at his clothes, a brand-new sweater and a pair of jeans. “You can wear Jimin’s old hoodie, it may be a little small, but it should fit.” Hyejoo spoke making Taehyung stop his mental battle. He nodded happily walking behind Hyejoo as she took out Jimin’s old Jumper from Googies wardrobe. She walked out letting Taehyung get ready waiting with a very happy Googie.

Taehyung was a very good artist, abstract art being his specialty. Taehyung gave Googie a little explanation on abstract art, Googie listening very intently, his orbs widening as Taehyung shared his knowledge. Hyejoo noticed how Googies eyes would twinkle with happiness every time he was with Taehyung and she couldn’t be happier.

“So, let’s start!” Taehyung clapped his hands together, squeezing out some beige and black paint. He guided Googies hands which held two brushes, painting a half face starting with the nose and lips. Hyejoo copied his movements, trying to bring back her artistic abilities. The nose she drew was slightly deformed, the lips she could have drawn better; previously Hyejoo would have drawn these without any mistakes it had been a long time since she had held a brush in her arms.

Taehyung watched as Hyejoo huffed, few strands of her bangs flying up. Taehyung looked down to see what the matter was, he didn’t see an issue. “You know it doesn’t have to be perfect its abstract.” He gave her his familiar boxy smile and the butterflies didn’t seem to stop in her belly. She smiled back, feeling content with the outcomes despite being rusted for so long.

Taehyung  helped Googie draw the eye, in the same colours. Taehyung then showed Googie the satisfaction of splatting paint droplets on their art to complete it, Googie having a hell of a good time. Hyejoo practiced on a scarp piece of paper to get the splatters right but just couldn’t get it. Taehyung noticed her struggle and shuffled over to help. “If you move your fingers freely like this, it works more naturally.” His voice soft and calming despite being so deep. It wasn’t the first time she had thought this but today it seemed more comforting.

She tried doing what he said, accidently doing a little harshly splatting Taehyung with blue paint on the face. She froze looking at him with big doe eyes, internally repeating crap numerously. Taehyung taken by surprise just looked at her and cracked into laughter, grabbing the cloth from behind her and whipping his face. “I’m so sorry!” she apologised half laughing, falling backwards as she did. She tried to control her laughter but Googie made it impossible as he continued to laugh saying, “Silly mama.”

All your support makes me wanna update more so I will try to.
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