Against the glass? Heck, yes.

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*Beware of lemon. Oh boy*

After a serious amount of making out and heavy petting, Goggles had managed to elicitate small moans of pleasure from his partner- moans caused by his light strokes and touches to Rider's member that was bulging through his pants. His cock was straining to be freed. 

With hooded eyelids, Goggles watched as Rider's face burnt a bright red. Though they've been intimate plenty of times in the past, it was almost like every time was Rider's first time. Goggles always managed to get him flustered- to the point where Rider couldn't even meet eyes with him.

"Excited?" Goggles asked, as his face drooped down to look at his partner.

"Yeah," that's all Rider finally replied with after taking a deep sigh.

"You don't have to be shy, Rider."

"Yeah, well, when you look at me like that, it's like your tossing my emotions."

"Tossing your emotions?"

"MY SEXUAL EMOTIONS...Cod, just- keep going. I'm so hot-and-bothered right now."

"Can I hear some manners, Rider?"

Stubbornness. It was something that Rider never thought Goggles had before deciding to get between the sheets with the guy.

Rider swallowed before answering. His plea came out as a mutter. Please...

"What was that?"

"DAMNIT. Just keep going..."

Goggles lifted his eyebrows as he was waiting for something.

What was he waiting for?


It took another second for Rider to utter the word. "... PLEASE." Despite his unruly tone, Goggles knew how hard it was for Rider to show any sort of manners. Manners meant that he wanted something- and in order to get it, he had to ask. This all put Rider in a weak state of mind.

However, Goggles felt nothing but weak. Although he always appeared happy, and bubbly all of the time, his self-appreciation was lacking due to the constant being called "ridiculous" by anybody that passes by- Being made fun of anywhere he want because of his lack of thinking or just how out of place he was.

So, this was the only time Goggles felt complete confidence - when he was able to control his boyfriend and give him immeasurable pleasure and comfort. Which was exactly what he was about to do.

Goggles savored the taste of Rider's lips before diving his head down to kiss his chest. Soft kisses turned rougher as his lips neared Rider's nipples, which were hardened points just aching for his touch. The increase of Goggles' respiration had Rider arching toward him.

Goggles' tongue swirled around his nipple as Rider whispered when his teeth grazed his tender flesh in the most pleasurable way.

"You know I'm sensitive there..." Rider growling.

Goggles paused mid-nibble. "Oh, I'm very aware of that." The boy with the goggles gave the nipple one last tug with his teeth before swapping sides and lavishing him with the same attentive ministrations.

Small, pale hands skidded down Rider's body and beneath the buckle of his belt. Within moments his belt was off, and his pants were being slid down his legs. Then Goggles' mouth was trailing down his torso, his mouth kissing Rider's abs on his descent to his most private place. He placed his hands on Rider's knees as he forcefully parted his legs opened. 

The second Goggles' tongue found Rider's member, Rider almost fell on his face. Damn, he's getting good at this. Rider had one hand gripping his boyfriends hair while he leaned back against the headboard.

Leaning forward, Goggles smoothed his hands along his partner's thighs and then took his crown into is mouth. Rider bit his bottom lip, as his hands instinctively grabbed onto Goggles' tentacles. Goggles's mouth was fairly small, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. A smaller size meant it'd be tighter, and there was still potential for depth.

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