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Goggles began walking home. His hands stayed in his pockets while he walked around with his head down.

"Why..." Goggles mumbled to himself. "WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO... GRRR..." He kicked a rock.

"Why does who have to be so what?" Gloves asked. He was sitting on top of a dumpster playing on his phone.

"What!? Gloves!? Um... er... it's nothing." Goggles said apprehensively..

"Goggles, what are you doing walking around in an alleyway?"

"I'm walking home." Goggles said. "The real question is - why are you on top of a dumpster?"

"I like to hang out here, it's nice and quiet." Gloves stuffed his phone in his pocket.

"Yeah... I really need peace and quiet right now..." Goggles sniffled, and began to walk away.

"Hey." Gloves jumped off of the dumpster and caught up with Goggles. He put his hand on his shoulder. "Dude, I can tell something is wrong. You never act like this."

"..." Goggles wanted to tell him so bad, but, he didn't at the same time.

"I-it's nothing..."

"Oh it's something."

Goggles bit his lip. "I... I shouldn't tell you."

"Oh, why?"

"It's personal..." Goggles turned around to face Gloves. "Rider would get mad."

"Pssh, who cares man. A secret is a secret, kay?" Gloves connected his pinky with Goggles' "I pinky promise."

Goggles smiled subtly. "Thanks..." He sat down on a bench, taking a big gulp. "You probably aren't even going to believe me when I tell you this."

Gloves sat beside him. "Tell me what?"

"Rider and I...umm...." Goggles blushed. "Let's just say I've sucked his eleventh tentacle."

"Ummm... wut." .__.

"We've done the d i r t y s t u f f."

"Oh. My. Cod."

"I know, I know." Goggles said. "I guess we've developed feelings for each other. Big time."

"I can't believe this! Please tell me this is not a prank?"

"It isn't! I swear!"

"Okay... Wow." Gloves scratched his chin. "Soooooo, Rider REALLY has some feelings for ya?"

"That's what I'm trying to find out..." Goggles looked down. "I...I don't know. He told me he doesn't know where we are in our relationship at this point."

"I understand."

"You do?? Because I don't."

"Give him some time Goggles." Gloves said. "Listen, I know it seems like he's playing with your feelings, but, Rider was never gay before. I guess he just hasn't realized how he's really felt and doesn't want to admit it"

"Wow... how do you know this?"

"Because Rider is Rider." Gloves chuckled. "You know him, he has pride. Even towards himself."

"Whaddya mean?"

"Let's say you two were walking around the square and you reached out to hold his hand. Do you think he'd do it?"


"Exactly. Why do you think he wouldn't hold your hand?"

"Because he's a big fat meanie..."

"Noooo, because he's embarrassed." Gloves said. "Rider is not the type to express himself like that; he's not even a touchy feely person. You should feel freaking lucky to even of had sex with the guy, haha." "I still can't believe I'm saying this..."

"Yeah, but. I don't WANT just that... I want to be his boyfriend." Goggles sighed. "Gloves, I LOVE him."

"I know you do." Gloves patted Goggles on the back. "Just give him time, okay? Remember how long it took you to convince him to be your roommate?"

Goggles giggled a little. "Yeah... I remember that." Goggles sniffled and wiped his tear. "He took forever to finally give in."

"Exactly. For all you know, that whole time he could have wanted to... he was just too afraid to admit it."

"You're right." Goggles rubbed his eyes. "He's a buttface sometimes..."

"Haha, I know he is." Gloves chuckled. "But isn't that why you love him?"

"Y-yeah..." Goggles smiled, still sniffling from his crying. "He... means so much to me." His voice came out shaky.

"Aww..." Gloves squealed a little. "Okay I admit you guys are cute together."

"Hehe... thanks."

"Aw, is that his hoodie you're wearing?"

"Oh! Yeah, it is." Goggles smuggled his cheek against it. "How'd you know?"

"That scent."

"Oh, the Rider scent?"

"Yeah. Let's call it that." Gloves laughed and nodded his head. "Well it was nice talking to you, man. Now I've gotta go shopping for new shoes before the store closes."

"Wait, before you go. Why weren't you in that tournament?"

"Oh, you mean the one with that huge jackpot?"


"You know how angry I'd be if I lost??" Gloves said. "Geez, I feel bad for all the teams that are losing. I heard they're betting big money on that."

"Yeah... Rider actually made it into the top four."

"TOP FOUR!?" Gloves' eyes widened. "DUDE, he could win like, 10,000 dollars!"

"I know!" Goggles said. "He could buy so much candy with that!"

Gloves smiled. "Well then, ima run and get the s h o e s, then I'll have to go watch that on TV. I bet it's all over the news."

"Yeah, same. See ya!"

"Later dude!"

Later that night...

Goggles had fallen asleep on the couch as soon as he had gotten home.

He yawned. "... Rider? You home?" He said as he stretched and sat up. "Oh, wait... THE TOURNAMENT!" He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.


"The light blue team is celebrating their victory tonight as they won the $10,000 jackpot this evening in the huge tournament!" The lady on the news stated.

"I'M SO HAPPY WE WON!!! I'm gonna buy some dru- I MEAN I'm gonna buy a ton of new weapons and gear!" The light blue inkling said on the news as they interviewed him.


"Oh no... Rider lost..."


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Goggles x RiderWhere stories live. Discover now