The fight.

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The door began to creek open, as shot of lightning could be seen by a mere window. Goggles heard what sounded like footsteps, as a shadow sauntered before his eyes.

"AHHHHHH!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!!!" Goggles curled up into a ball, hiding his face in his knees and covering his face with his hands. Suddenly there was a bright light.

"Haha! It's just me!" Gloves shined a flashlight over his face.

"What...?" Goggles removed a finger from his eye to take a peek at who it was. "G-Gloves!?"

"You know it!" He said. "Hahahaha, you should have SEEN the look on your face!"

"Wait, how did you get here!? I thought you left." Goggles blushed, raising an arm up.

Gloves grabbed Goggles' hand and helped him up. "Well, the entrances to the staircases were locked, so I took an elevator."

"Did you get stuck?"

"Nope. I actually got out right before the power went out." He said, sitting on the counter. "Did you get stuck?"

"Yeah, we were for a couple minutes. We managed to get out though."

"That's strange man." Gloves mentioned. "Hopefully the power comes back on soon so we can get outta here."

"Yeah... well.... I actually kind of like it in here!" Goggles said, opening a bag of tortilla chips. "It's nice to have a whole floor of a hotel to ourselves. Isn't it?"

"Hm..." Gloves scratched his chin. "I guess I never thought of it that way."

"Neither did Rider." Goggles said.

"Hey, speaking of the guy, where is he?" Gloves asked.

"He went to go grab some candles for light." Speak of the devil, Rider walked in with a handful of blue and white candles.

He froze. "Uh.....What the fuck is Gloves doing here"

"Oh! He got stuck on this floor too." Goggles said; Gloves nodded.

"Oh." Rider laid out the candles on the counter. He snatched a lighter from his pocket and began lighting them one-by-one.

"How romantic Rider." Goggles smiled, grabbing a tray of chocolate-covered strawberries from the fridge. "You're setting the mood."

Rider said nothing and only rolled his eyes. "So.... how did you get stuck Gloves?"

"The staircase doors were locked." Gloves popped a piece of candy in his mouth.

"Yeah, I know. Why would they feel the need to lock the doors for the stairwells?" Rider asked.

"Because they WANTED us to get stuck!" Goggles said.

"And why aren't there any people staying at this part of the hotel?" Gloves asked.

"Haven't you heard? It's been closed for a while now since they've been renovating." Rider mentioned.

"Wait, so you mean we're gonna be stuck here until their done renovating?"

"Of course not. It opens back up tomorrow." Rider leaned against the counter, crossing his arms.

Goggles grinned. "You know what that means!"

"What does it mean?"

"It means we get to stay a FREE NIGHT IN THE NEWLY RENOVATED MAHI MAHI HOTEL!!!!" He shouted happily.

"Quite down! Hell, you're going to make me deaf someday." Rider scoffed.

"Oh shut up, you know you like it when I'm loud." Goggles leaned against him, smirking.

Goggles x RiderWhere stories live. Discover now