What the heck am I doing?

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It was getting late, around 10pm. Rider was still out with his team. They had stopped to get something to eat before departing for the night. 

"So Rider, what would you want to do for your birthday?" Stealth Kun asked.

"I already got him something!" Bamboo Chan talked with her mouth full.

"Stop talking with your mouth full!" Stealth rolled his eyes. "And I asked him what he wanted to do, not what he wanted as a gift."

"I know!" She continued chewing.

"Stop talking with food in your mouth, damnit!"

"I can't help it!"

Rider chuckled at the stupid argument they were having. Even hanging out with his team and eating delicious food couldn't get... him... off of his mind. A light blush creeped onto Riders face; his thoughts interrupted by his phone buzzing.

"Who's textin you?" Bamboo asked, this time there wasn't food in her mouth. "Is it your giiiiirlfriend?"

"No... it's Goggles."

"Oh, so it IS your girlfriend!" Stealth said, the rest of the team laughed.

"Oh god... shut up." Rider elbowed him. He checked the message.

Goggles: Rider where are u ;( I miss u

Rider: I'm still out.

Goggles: Come home!!!!!

Rider: Shut up, go to bed

Goggles: I can't without u ;)

Rider: Asshole...

Goggles: I miss you... pls just send a pic of you so I can see you ;-;

Rider: Ew A pic? Like... a nude?

"Damn you two text a lot." Blazer Chan sipped from her soda. "Isn't Goggles annoying you?"

"L-like always..." Rider stuttered. He checked his phone again.

Goggles: No not a nude!!!

Rider: Yea Don't count on it

Goggles: Ok... Weeeelll I've never seen you with your shirt off...

Rider: -_____- fine. If it'll get you to shut up

"I'll be right back." Rider got up and walked into the bathroom. He closed the door, locked it, and removed his shirt.

Why the hell am I doing this? This is so gay... He thought to himself. He had the camera facing the mirror, admiring his complexion.

Eh... I guess I do have a pretty nice body...

Rider snapped the picture, and put his black shirt back on. Why would he send a picture like this to his best friend? Is little buddy? His... friend with benefits? Rider observed the picture, making sure it looked okay. Why would he care though?

I could take a better one... my face is totally expressionless. Rider pressed the delete button and put it on camera again. He held his shirt up, revealing the tight six pack he had just worked up a sweat for. He made an attractive look; a glare that could probably melt anybody's heart.

I'll just send this one... He sent it, not even observing his face or even his cock area, which looked like he had a bulge due to the shading and lighting. 

Goggles x RiderWhere stories live. Discover now