IDk what to name this

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The next day, it was around 11am – Of course, the two had been fooling around more in bed late last night. Goggles woke up from his slumber.

*Yaaawn* He stretched, and sat up. "Goooooooood morning Rider!"


"Rider?" He yanked the covers off of the bed, noticing that Rider wasn't even there. "Awwwww where could he be now?" He whined. Goggles grabbed his clothes and got dressed, grabbed his backpack and headed out the door to find him.

(Goggles always brings a backpack around, he has too much stuff)

As Goggles walked through the square, he checked his phone. He checked who was playing. Of course, Rider was out playing ranked like he usually was. Rider was almost to rank X.

"So THAT'S what he's doing." Goggles said to himself. He headed his way to Camp Triggerfish, where the battling was going on.

"Hey Goggles!" Glasses (Specs, I just found out his name was specs ;___;) said from afar. He ran closer towards Goggles, holding tickets in his hands.

"What are those for?" Goggles asked. "Crusty Sean?"

"No dumby, do they look like Crusty Sean??" Specs laughed. He showed him the tickets closer. "They're tickets to the Water Park-"

"WATER PARK!?" Goggles screamed.

"Haha I'm kidding." Specs laughed again. "They're tickets to the movies. I got them for free from somebody. Wanna go?"

"YEEEEEEEEEEAH!" Goggles jumped around. "B-but... I was gonna go watch Rider battle."

"But going to a movie is more entertaining!" Specs said.

"You're right." Goggles agreed.

Actually... Rider is more entertaining to me... He's MY movie.

"So? You up for it? It starts in an hour. Bobble and Headphone will be there too." Specs asked.

"Sure! But... can we go grab Rider first?"

"I thought he hated you."

"It seems like he does..." The two began walking together. "But..." Goggles continued. "... When we're alone together, he's different."

"What?" Specs fixed his glasses. "Whaddya mean different?"

"Well..." Goggles twiddled his thumbs. "He's way nicer to me when we're alone. He doesn't shove me to the ground, or hit me in the head like he does in public."

"I never knew that." Specs said. "Tch, I could never imagine a nice Rider." He chuckled at the thought.

"Ha, well... I guess it's because I'm closer with him." Goggles shrugged. "I-I guess I never thought of that..."

Specs smiled. "Well I'm glad he can open up to you."

Goggles smiled to himself. "....Yeah...."

*At Camp Triggerfish

The two blue squids arrived at Camp Triggerfish. They stayed along the side lines (IDK what those things are called... you know with the audiences ;-;) and watched the heated battle of tower control go on. There was a minute left.

"THERE'S RIDER! LOOK LOOK LOOK!" Goggles pointed to him.

"Yeah, I see Goggles." Specs was looking down at his phone.

Goggles grabbed his green flag from his backpack.  It said Go Rider! on it. He had written it with a sharpie. "GO RIDERRRR!" He yelled with one hand on the railing and another hand up in the air waving the tiny flag. He could see Rider in the distance, flicking his roller as he was on top of the tower.

"Goggles.... THIS is why he beats you up. You're embarrassing him." Specs said.

"I'll be fine! I'm cheering him on!!" Goggles smiled. "WOOOO!" The tower neared them.

"Hey Rider!!" Goggles waved. Rider made a pissed off look.

"Fine, I'll stop." Goggles put down his flag and just watched.

Goggles POV:



I always keep my eyes on Rider whenever I watch his battles. I don't know... there's just something about the way he battles that makes me heart skip a beat. He's always so focused and professional with his every move. Not to mention he looks so handsome in his gear...



Another minute passed, it had been overtime. The other team had won by taking the lead. Rider walked over to Goggles and Specs, holding his roller on his shoulder.

"Why the hell are you here?" Rider asked.

"To bring you to a movie!" Goggles grabbed his hand.

"Wait..." Rider sat down on a bench. "I need to... rest a little bit." He panted.

"You really that tired?" Specs asked.

Rider glared over at him. "Don't ask me questions like that, paint brush boy. You're not the one using a heavy ass roller now are you?"

Specs kept his mouth shut at this point.

He still scars the heck out of me 0__0... He thought

After a bit, the three made it to the theatre, and met up with Headphone and Bobble.

"Aw great, I'm gonna be seen with all four of you guys?" Rider rolled his eyes. "What are we seeing? A little kid movie?"

Specs showed Rider the ticket. The movie was called The Crawler.

Rider tilted his head. "Don't you think Goggles will piss his pants during this movie?" Rider asked. "You know how afraid he is of horror."

"He is? I didn't know." Specs shrugged. "I think he'll be fine."

The group of squids got their snacks and went into the theatre room. (Idk what that room is called xD)

"I call sitting next to Rider!" Goggles sat down, Rider rolled his eyes. The others sat down as well.

"So what's the movie called?" Goggles finally asked.

"The Crawwwwwlerrr." Headphone said in a creepy way.

"Is it about a baby?" Goggles asked. The rest of them looked at him confused.

"Goggles, what are you talking about?"

"Babies crawl."

"Oh..." Specs shook his head. "No, its like... about a hand or something."

"Oh, okay!" Goggles sipped his red slushie. The movie was about to begin.

"Psst Rider! Put your phone away." Goggles elbowed him.

"You don't tell me what to do."

"I sure did last night."

"Would you shut up??"


"Guys! Stop fighting! It's starting!" Bobble said.

Sooo lmao XD

My little bb is gonna get scared out of his mind ;____; At least Rider is there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


May 7th 2017

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