Soda covered squids

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It got to the middle of the movie – the horror progressed.


"EEP!" Goggles covered his eyes, and huddled near Rider.

Rider pushed him away from him. "Uhg, quit it, would you? It's not even scary."

"YES IT IS!!" Goggles whined for the whole theatre to here.

"No it isn't, Goggles. This movie is crap."

"AHHHH!! RIDER!! I CAN'T LOOOK!" Goggles screamed.


"Be quite!"

"Quit it!"

"Goggle's stop, you're pissing people off." Rider kept pushing Goggles away. "And you're about to piss me off too." Goggles continued to whine and cry.

"Shut the heck up kid!" Some orange inkling in a seat behind them started throwing his popcorn at Goggles, which only made him cry even more.

Rider turned around and grabbed his soda, and chucked it at the guy behind them who was throwing the popcorn. "You little cunt, stop throwing food at him!" He yelled. The whole theatre was thrown off by what was going on.

"Hey asshole! You got soda all over my new shirt!" He threw his popcorn at Rider.

"HEY! STOP THROWING POPCORN AT RIDER!" Goggles got up and threw his candy. Pretty soon the whole theatre was having a food fight.

**A few minutes later

The whole group was covered in popcorn and soda. They walked out of the theatre.

"I knew I shouldn't have invited you Goggles." Specs shook his head.

"I didn't start it! It was that orange guy!" Goggles crossed his arms.

"Well yeah, he wouldn't have started it if you weren't crying the whole time!"

"It's not my fault the movie was so scary!" Goggles argued; Rider grabbed Goggles by the hand.

"Come on Goggles, let's go home." Rider began walking away.

"Well, bye guys!" Goggles waved as Rider dragged him home.

"Bye Goggles!" The blue team waved.

"Uhg, next time, let's not invite Goggles and Rider?" Specs fixed his glasses.

"Sounds like a plan." Headphone and Bobble laughed.


Rider and Goggles arrived at their apartment room. Rider quickly closed the front door and removed his shirt which was drenched in soda.

"Whooooa Rider, you wanna do it now?" Goggles smirked.

"Uhg, no." Rider walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. "I'm taking a shower."

Goggles removed his own shirt. "Can I join!?

Rider rolled his eyes. "No."



"But Rider!"

"I'll be quick Goggles. You just go wait for me on the bed." Rider went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. "The water would be too hot for you anyways, you like cold showers."

Goggles stuck his tongue out. "Fiiiine." Goggles went into Riders room and laid on the bed. He turned over to Riders nightstand to find the remote for the TV. Rider obviously wasn't a clean person, his room was so messy even his drawers were a mess.

"Where's Rider's freaking remote??" Goggles opened Rider's drawers to look for it. "WHOA. Is that a gun!?" Goggles picked up a Glock from one of Rider's drawers.

"I can't believe it! Can Rider get any more badass?" Goggles chuckled to himself as he put the Glock back in the drawer. After digging through clothes, food wrappers and cigarette boxes he had finally found the remote. Of course there were no batteries in it.

"Uhg, Rider just doesn't know how to keep a room organized!" Goggles began searching under the bed for any loose batteries he could find as Rider walked in, only in his black jeans (without a shirt).

"Goggles what are you doing?"

"Oooo! I found a dollar!" Goggles said

"Give it." Rider snatched it from Goggles' hands. "Did you learn anything in life? Don't take things that aren't yours."

Goggles turned over to look at Rider. He of course got distracted by Rider's body and his creamy skin that had just been steamed clean in the shower.

"Uhh... I dunno... But daddy can teach me a few things." Goggles giggled.

"Oh GOD, gross. Shut UP." Rider growled, putting his hair back up in a ponytail. He laid on his bed.

"What? You aren't in the mood?" Goggles asked, wrestling Rider on the bed.

"Uhg, get off of me you idiot. I just showered, you'll get me all dirty."

"That's the point." Goggles smirked, kissing him on the lips. "Now come on, you. Don't be shy."

"I'm not kidding. Quit it, Goggles."

"Aw Rider, what's wrong?" Goggles asked, tilting his head.

"It's nothing."

"Rider, tell me!!"

".....Fine." Rider sighed. "Goggles... can I ask you something?"

"Yeah. What is it?"

"Do you..." Rider hesitated letting go of his pride. "Do you like me? Like, ACTUALLY like me?"

"Of course I like you Rider!"

"Goggles, I'm asking if you like me.... Like, romantically."

"Yeah I know, Rider." Goggles smiled. "I... I guess see you as my boyfriend."

"WHAT?" Rider sat up, his eyes widened. "Boyfriend!? W-What are you talking about...?"

"Rider, I.... I don't know." Goggles tilted his head. "I guess once we fricked I thought we were a thing, ya know?"

Rider rolled his eyes. "Yeah.... Well.... I..." He barely could speak.

Goggles placed his finger on Rider's mouth. "You don't have to say anything Rider, we can keep it a secret."

"K-keep what a secret...?"

"Our relationship." Goggles smiled. "We can keep it between you and me." Goggles wrapped his arms around Rider, leaning in for a kiss. Rider accepted it.

"I hate you Goggles."

"I hate you too~" Goggles giggled. "SO. Can we... you"

"Psh...." Rider crossed his arms. "In your DREAMS."

"Oh, it's in my dreams alright~" Goggles smirked, kissing and nibbling Rider's neck. Rider just laid there, covertly enjoying the feeling.

"You suck..." Rider said in a deep tone, as he stared at Goggles.

"Oh I SUCK alright..." Goggles slipped his hands in Rider's pants.

"Oh hell no..."

"Oh hell YES." Goggles winked.


(ᴗ ͜ʖ ᴗ) sorry that took forever, I have SCHOOL

At least its almost summer >->

I heard people like lemons so idk if I should do iiiiiittt, I also had other ideas.

Just lemme know

Ok bye 

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