mahi mahi resort gone wrong

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All of a sudden it was pitch black inside the elevator, and no sounds could be heard. It seemed as if the machinery had lost power.

"GOGGLES! You idiot..." Rider held out his arms, searching for Goggles in the pitch black. "Where are you, you little dick?"

"I'm right here." Goggles held up the light on his phone, suddenly the small room was bright enough to see.

Rider placed his arms on Goggles' neck and placed him in a choking position on the wall. "You... You asshole!"

"What!? What did I DO?" Goggles coughed.

"You were the one who begged to go in this dumb elevator."

"Well... yeah. I didn't know it was gonna get STUCK."

"This is why I hate elevators." Rider sighed, suddenly releasing Goggles from his grasp as he fell onto the floor.

"Aw, why do you hate them?"

"They're just fucking dumb." Rider sat in the corner of the room with his knees facing upward and his arms around his legs. "I usually take the stairs, and-"

"Rider are you claustrophobic?" Goggles randomly asked.

"What? No... that'd be stupid." Rider hid his face in his knees. "Why would I be?"

"I can tell you're on edge." Goggles said. "I can easily read you."

"Well I'm not fucking scared..." Rider scoffed.

Goggles scooted to the other side of the room where Rider was. "Are you sure?"


Goggles smiled and put his arm around Rider. "Well I'm right here, ya know!"

"Wait..." Rider looked at Goggles. "Don't we have to get out of here?"

"Oh yeah, you're right." Goggles replied, opening his phone. "I'll call the police."

"Do you know what to say?"

"Yup." Goggles dialed the number.

*beep beep beep*

*We're sorry, this number is cannot be reached. Please try again.*

"What? Bad signal?" Rider asked.

"I'll try again." Goggles dialed the number a couple more times with no success.

"What the fuck!?" Rider yelled. "Why won't it fucking work?"

"I don't know Rider!" Goggles said. "Try your phone."

"My phone is dead." Rider placed his forehead on Goggles' shoulder. "Now we're never gonna fucking get out of here..."

"Rider would you stop swearing? Kids read this."

"Well what do you suppose we do Goggles?" Rider asked.

Goggles stood up and started walking around. "Hmmm... I'm not sure."

Rider got up as well. "Maybe there is a way we could get out from the ceiling." Rider observed. "I could stand on you to get up there, take the top off, and then-"

"Oooor we could just make out." Goggles smirked.

"Do you think this is a joke? We have NO food, no water, no nothin." Rider said, standing in front of him face-to-face. "Goggles, we could die in here if nobody finds us."

"Rider, we'll be okay." Goggles placed his hands on Riders' shoulders. "Listen, we can try calling the police when the signal is better. And who knows, maybe the power will come back on soon."

Goggles x RiderWhere stories live. Discover now