Don't wake up the fish

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"Hey Prince!" Goggles yelled. "Whaddya doing up there??"

"I wanted to be a monkey!" Prince yelled back to Goggles. Rider facepalmed.

"Wait... where did Prince even come from? I thought he stayed back on the ship." Rider asked.

"When Specs and I dove in with you guys, Prince decided to follow along with us." Gloves answered. Out of the blue, the large branch Prince was sitting on began to slightly crack.

"Oh no, the branch!! It can't hold that much weight!" Specs yelled. "He's gonna fall!!"

Goggles stood underneath the branch Prince was on. "I'll save him! Tree powers activate."


"Guess it didn't work."

Suddenly, the branch began to get weaker than before. It bent from the tree bark, as Prince was holding onto it with its last bit of strength. "help!" he whimpered, holding onto the branch like a koala.

"What do we do?" Specs asked.

"Why're you asking us? Thought you were the smart one." Gloves snickered.

"Not the time." Specs glared. His head shot up as he heard the last crackle, as Prince began to fall. Gloves ran the falling boys' direction and jumped, catching Prince in midair.

Prince opened his squinted eyes. "I'm... alive?"

"You're all good buddy." Gloves said, smiling at him. Prince smiled back, as Gloves put him down.

"How do I ever repay you?" Prince asked. "You saved my life!"

"Oh, it's nothing. Honestly." Gloves alleged. "You really don't-"

"No! I'll do anything you ask!"

"Well, if you're really going to insist..." Gloves scratched his chin. "Why don't you go collect some logs for the-"

"Yes sir!" Prince saluted, then ran into the forest to venture.

"Wow, never knew living on an island could be so nice." Gloves sat against a tree. "Prince is my servant, while I get to chillax."

"He's probably used to it, living with Emperor and all." Goggles mentioned.

"Well, not anymore." Gloves said, getting the dirt out of his nails. "Emperor apparently moved out not to long ago."

"Really?" Goggles said, dazed. "I guess I never realized that I haven't seen him in a while..."

"Yeah. He said he wanted to "try something new"." Gloves used air quotes. "So, I don't know man."

Specs began clapping his hands. "Okay people. Let's get to work now. Chats can be saved for later."

*Later that evening*

It was soon to be dusk. The boys had collected a bunch of logs, slowly but surely creating a tiny log house. Specs had the fire going, while Gloves and Rider were finishing up the first wall of the house, while Goggles and Prince kept finding and bringing logs.

Rider let out a sigh, clapping the dirt off of his hands. "Ug, I'm beat." Rider sat down. "I think we made good progress today."

"You're tired?" Gloves scorned. "I could do this all night."

"Yeah. Your sense of self is the only trail of energy you have pumping in your body."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"All of that ego's gotta get out somehow."

Gloves huffed, crossing his arms. "You're just jealous. You don't HAVE anything to be egotistical about."

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