Gloves the Wingman

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Goggles did his best to stifle a yawn but it was difficult when he was this bored. It had been only mid-afternoon and Rider was busy working an open-to-close shift. He had been picking up more hours ever since Goggles had gotten fired from his last job due to the fact that his time management was close to literal garbage.

Goggles finished his last episode of Spongebob before grabbing his phone.

>Hey Gloves.

Hey dude. What's up?<

>Nothing. Wanna hang out?

Sure. I'll be over in a bit<

Before Gloves arrived, Goggles grabbed a box of Fruit Loops and a couple of bowls. Before grabbing the spoons he heard a knock on his apartment door.

Goggles opened it. "Hey."

"Hey, what's up?" Gloves walked in, in a Dominos uniform.

"WOW. You work at Dominos now?"

"I was tired of living in my mom's basement. So I figured the first step to take would be a job."

"And you don't mind working with Rider?"

"I don't mind. But, he sure does." Gloves sat down, pouring some Fruit Loops into a bowl. "He was giving me glares all day."

Goggles laughed. "He does a lot."

"At you?"

"No. At other people." A faint blush crept on Goggles' cheeks. "He could kill someone with those glares."

Gloves finished his bite of cereal. "So, why'd you invite me over?"

"I just needed to talk."


"I've just been a little on edge lately."

"How come?"

"Well," he sighed, "I need a job."

"Oh boy. Got fired again?"

"Yeah..." Goggles sighed. "I slept through my alarm on my first three days."

"Damn, I bet Rider's probably pissed that he has to pay all the rent now."

Goggles' head tilted sideways, processing Gloves' comment. "It's not just about that..." Goggles' fingers collapsed as he rested his chin on his knuckles. "... I want to get him a gift."

"A gift? Like what?"

"Well, he lost his hoop earring yesterday. He's been anxious about it and I thought about buying him a new one."

"That's really sweet of you."

"Heh... yeah. I remember buying him a new leather jacket. I loved seeing his reaction – I loved seeing him be happy."

There was so much sincerity in his words that Gloves couldn't help but smile. "I'm glad you got that idea. Any idea on how you're gonna make the cha-ching?"

"That's what I'm stressed over." Goggles sucked his teeth. "I've applied for 5 jobs already. Still no call."

"There isn't any due date to get his gift, is there?" Gloves asked.

"Well, there kind of is."

"When's that?"

"June 4th."

"It's June 1th."

"Terrible time management, remember?"

Gloves chuckled. "So what's so special about that day?"

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