Jealousy, jealousy

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The vast infinite blue sky with dashes of white clouds hovered over Goggles and Rider. The pair had been enjoying what the weather had to offer - a perfect sunny afternoon. Not too hot, nor too cool. 

Goggles had been laying on his stomach coloring a piece of paper. After putting on the finishing touched, he put it down, then rolled toward Rider's direction. "Hey."

Rider placed the book he was reading down. "What do you want?"

"I made a drawing!" 

"Lets see it."


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"Why am I so small?" Rider asked.

"Because you're the girl of the relationship." Goggles began laughing as he shuffled around the grass. 

A book flew at Goggle's face. "Shut up! I'm totally not the girl of this relationship. You're the one who wore tights to practice one time."

"Because they're comfortable!"

Rider rolled his eyes as he readjusted himself. "Well the drawing looks.... nice. I guess."

"Thanks!" That earned a smile from Goggles. "I'm hungry."

Using a leaf to mark the page he was left off at, Rider then put his book in his backpack. "Wanna go get food then?"

"I'm so comfortable though." Goggles talked through his yawn. "I don't wanna get up."

"Fine, I'll go to the taco truck by myself. You stay here." Rider threw his backpack at Goggles. "Keep an eye on my bag."

"Okay! Thanks Rider." Goggles blew a kiss toward his boyfriend - Rider ignored, rolling his eyes as he began walking away.

Resting his arms behind his neck, Goggles began relaxing and soaking up that beating sun. The gentle, quiet breeze was the cherry on top; days like this were hard to come by in Inkopolis. It wasn't long before his eyes gently closed shut as he began to fall asleep. 





"Hey, Goggles! Wake up!" 

An eye peered open. Standing before him was... "Oh, Aloha?" Goggle's sat up to stretch. "What're you doing out here?"

"Well, I'm taking advantage of this fine and dandy afternoon." Aloha then handed Goggles a glossy, neon pink piece of paper.

"What's this?"

"A flyer for an upcoming dance I'm hosting."

"You're hosting a dance?"

"Yup! It's called a Sadie Hawkins dance." 

Glancing down at the flyer, Goggles tilted his head. "Who's Sadie Hawkins?"

Aloha snorted. "I have no clue. But what I can tell you is - a Sadie Hawkins dance where the girls have to ask out the guys, which is contrary to the custom of the men typically inviting the women."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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